
in good •  6 years ago 

I greet you, dear anime!

This is a new category "Japan from a to Z". It will open the article on the history of appearance and development of the anime.

Anime is one of the areas in world culture. These are not ordinary cartoons, but a whole layer of Japanese modern culture, unlike Western analogues, designed no longer for children, but for teenage and adult audiences. The world of Japanese animation is vast. And in order to better understand it, we should study the history of the appearance of our beloved "world".

Anime, as the direction of world culture originated in the 50-ies of the 20th century, however, the origins of Japanese animation happened before, when the Japanese were interested in the imported technology to create animation. Thus, keep up with the West. The oldest known anime dates back to 1907, it was a short silent cartoon consisting of alternate frames. By the way, the anime is short, from the English. Animation-animation.

The first period is actually the birth of Japanese animated films. The emergence of Japanese animation to relate to the beginning of the 20th century. Anime was created by lone enthusiasts who imitated Western counterparts. The films were short (up to six minutes) animated films without sound. Plots and characters were taken from Japanese fairy tales.

The second period refers to the time between world wars. Anime began to conquer large masses of the population and to attract the attention of the state. In the story, Japanese folklore gave way to humorous stories in the European style. Adopted the first laws that limited the age of the viewer, there was an anime with a restriction of 15+. But anime aimed at education of patriotism was upheld by the state. A huge infusion of money was spent on such works. Let me remind you that Japan was a militarized state at that time and propaganda among the population was an important factor. Japan invaded China and censorship appeared in 1937. Thus, the state began to regulate the production of animation. On the eve of the Second World war began to take off anime by order of the military and created this Studio, the style of the anime began to change. The anime wasn't supposed to be like Western cartoons, as Japan began to fight with Western countries. Subjects also did not remain without attention, began to shoot about the brave Japanese military, the invincible army of the Emperor. One of these was the first full-length animated film called "the Holy sea warriors of Momotaro", which was released in April 1945. The plot tells the story of the heroic operations of the Japanese military to liberate Indonesia and Malaysia from the United States. After the war, the country was in ruins, censorship and state participation was removed, but significant works did not come out. There was a ten-year stagnation.

The third period is post-war, the country began to recover, the United States poured huge capital into the country's economy. There was a Japanese "political miracle". In 1956 started the Studio "Toei Animation", which then released the first feature-length colour anime film "Hakujaden". The creation of this Studio meant the beginning of a new period in the history of Japanese animation – the period of professional creativity. First films Toel imitated disney. The company exists to this day and is the oldest Japanese animation Studio. Vector Studio experiment and freedom of plot works, gave a good impetus to the rest of the studios and the growing generation, which later became such well-known animators as Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Hosea. Anime became the author's work and raised acute social and political issues. In 1960, Tezuka, a supporter of adult animation, created several films for this audience: a Thousand and one nights, Cleopatra and Sad belladonna.
In the 1970s, television began to supplant the cinema, began the creation of the anime series. Several large studios went bankrupt, but it had a positive impact, as the road opened for new animators. Animators began to experiment with genres, an example of this is the 1974 TV series of the year "Heidi" Isao Takahata. Being realistic drama, intended for children, were initially rejected, because the producers were afraid that did not pay off. It seemed to them that children find it more interesting fiction and stories with little meaning, but the show is "shot". Became very popular in Japan and in Europe, thus the world audience became addicted to anime. The resulting success and finances have allowed Miyazaki and Takahata to do anime "World Masterpiece Theatre"("Theater of world classics"). Began to appear all sorts of genres, anime has gained immense popularity.
1980's year-this "Golden age" for anime industry. Manga and anime became recognized throughout Japan.

The fourth stage is the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. The anime has received worldwide recognition, began to combine computer graphics that is 3D and animation – 2D. In 1997 he released "Princess Mononoke" full-length anime film, which grossed huge box office.

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