1 . Procastination
Intelligent people, more often than not, are the biggest procrastinators. They often overestimate their ability to finish a task, and they do not like planning in detail as they know that they would complete it within the time frame.
being messy
Intelligent people are often quite messy. The fact is that their minds function more efficiently and rapidly than others and they process things faster. This means that they are forever skipping from one thing to the next, never finding the time to tidy up.
This also means that their heads are often cluttered with thoughts. However, they know their way around the clutter. What seems like a messy world to us is a reality for them as they can weave through the mess effortlessly. The scattered ideas, therefore, are reflected in their surroundings through the disorder.Swearing
Intelligent people are upfront and straightforward in their approach. They do not have the time to deal with trivialities and hence they do not keep a lot of things bottled up inside. They would rather be free of the BS which occupies most of our attention.
This means that they swear a lot, even at the slightest provocations. The fact is that they do not mean it but the swearing acts as a coping mechanism for them. They vent out through swearing and let the matter slide then and there itself.
This is one bad habit that a lot of intelligent people are guilty of. They do complain a lot and incessantly. They would complain about the slightest frustrations and be in a bad mood for days at a time, sulking and sour.
The fact is that they need their lives to be in a certain way and they feel annoyed if it isn't. They often fail to realize that not everything is within their control and that there are a few things which will frustrate them. This is why they don't anticipate the obstructions and then complain about it.
Not asking for help
Intelligent people tend to spend a lot of time lost in thoughts and contemplation. They spend a lot of time pondering over their own ideas and their self. This means that they understand their own strengths and weaknesses quite well.
This self-awareness, however, makes them feel highly independent and they hating looking at others for help. They truly believe that each fight is theirs alone and only they need to have a go at it. This attitude turns them away from seeking help and they often suffer alone.
Unreasonable expectation
One of the greatest issues with intelligent people is that they expect others to be at their intellectual level, as well. They do not even consider the fact that others do not think the same way nor do they process things as efficiently.
This means that they expect the same level of intellectual capabilities from everyone and expect everyone to intrinsically understand what they are saying. These expectations are usually not fulfilled and they end up feeling frustrated, annoyed, and blue.
Giving in to impulse.
Intelligent people would be expected to think twice before they leap and it is true for a lot of them but they are also known to frequently give in to their impulses. They often act rashly and rely a lot on their guts which may be wrong at times.
Such impulsive way of acting does not mean that they do not understand the consequences but a sense of adventure implores them to see-what-happens. It's their nature to be curious and their impulsive nature, at times, feeds this curiosity.