Reshmi zilpi recipe

in goodfood •  7 years ago 


  1. Mashkalai Dal - 250 grams
  2. Rice crumbs - 1/4 cups
  3. Flour - 1/4 cups
  4. Sugar - 3 cups
  5. Ghee (for frying)
  6. Water - Two cups
  7. Rose-1 tablespoon (willful)
  8. First, the branches 4-5
    Heat the hours.
    It's good to pick up after about 2.4 hours
    Have to wash. In such a way to wash
    So that there will be no one on the branches
    There are no capsules.
  9. Then the buds will be fine again and again.
  10. Then take water in a container. At the same time, the rice crumbles one and one
    Mix well with the flour so that the grain grows or does not become whole.
  11. Then this mixture is 4
    To be well covered for 5 hours.
    After 6.4 to 5 hours, remove the lid from the lid and mix it well once again.
  12. When the mixture is shredded, the mixture must be applied to a big nose filled with chin-head fan or an egging.
  13. After that, grease should be heat fries
    Zilpi must be frozen in a medium span. If you can not do it once, take two hands to learn. Zilapira shape is right or not. If you do not like it then you can
    It can be shaped like yourself.
  14. The vein by mixing water and sugar in another vessel with another vessel
    You have to create.
  15. If jilipi is fry, then it will be squeezed with sugar or molasses for a few minutes after getting frozen. Zillagi will be served with light juice, stirring with syrup.
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