in goodgold •  4 years ago 

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To most consumer of gold, waiting to hit it on its good price, is very rewarding. What could be the basis? Learn more here.

Gold’s bull market might surprise some investors who believe that bullion’s fate is intricately tied to the U.S. dollar. After all, gold futures are might cost in greenbacks, so the performance of the world’s favorite reserve currency has a direct impact on foreign demand for precious metals.

Gold has performed so well this year; one has to go beyond the dollar and look at real interest rates. Gold’s primary bull market is set to continue so long as U.S. Treasury yields undershoot inflation. Check disclaimer on landing page and in my profile.

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Gold seems to have pulled back from its record price.

Gold potentially be our future

Gold is one of the few elements that can affect politics and economics.

The gold rush could really make a difference

That might be the reason why people seem to be pushing into safe-haven gold markets.

The exploration of gold could be of benefit to the economy!