You are responsible for putting the "good'' in your life

in goodlife •  7 years ago 

The Good Life

I attended a seminar which a prominent motivational speaker was hosting. In the course of the lecture, he asked who wanted money and pulled out some cash from his wallet. Immediately, a lot of hands were up as people gradually began to shout "me" which made the selection of a prospective winner of the cash more confusing. The ‘Me’ shout went on and I gradually began to wonder why he suddenly wanted to part away with some cash.

Suddenly, a young man began to run down the aisle towards the speaker. He climbed on the stage and stretched out his hand to receive the money. The speaker handed over the cash to him and said well done, an occurrence which made the atmosphere even more confusing. The speaker then said that most times most of us sit and wait for good things to come knocking without putting in effort to actually make things work.

The thought of executing or achieving something is worthless without putting in effort to achieve it. This is because most of us are built that way, we see nice and good things and then crave the "good life" not knowing you are responsible for putting the good in your life. The opportunities are there looking right back at us in the face but we fail to take action when required.

During the seminar, most of us wanted the cash but yet sat down awaiting the possibility of we miraculously being chosen. Good things only happen when you go for it


Let me quickly share a story with you, Larry Walter was a 30 years old driver who lived in California. One day he went to a store and bought forty-two weather balloons which he attached to an aluminum lawn chair and filled the balloons with helium. He then packed some bottles of beer, some sandwich alongside a pellet gun which he intended to us to he popping the balloons when it was time to land. He sat in it, cut the ropes and started to soar three miles into the sky. After floating for 45 minutes, he shot the balloons one after the other till he was able to land safely.

During the flight, his lawn chair was sighted by pilots when it strayed the paths of a Delta and TWA airline. This outrageous stunt of his led to him getting an endorsement deal as well as being invited on programmes to deliver speeches. He was asked why he engaged in such bizarre stunt and his response was

“People ask me if I had a death wish. I tell them no, it was something I had to do. I couldn’t just sit there “. He also said that the dream of building an object that could take him to the sky had always echoed in his thoughts.

Just like Larry Walter, many of us have aspirations to launch into the blue and hit greater heights but what have we done about them?. Met a young lady who said she aspires to be a Fashion stylist, asked her if she has started a class or learning and her answer was surprisingly NO. The fact is we are responsible for achieving our biggest dreams but most time, many of us keep our feet glued because of the fear of the moorings that has it stuck to the ground, the fear of the unknown.


Things don't happen if they are not made to happen, you have been trying to secure job but have been staying at home watching movies, chilling with friends rather than developing yourself and applying for jobs, how do you intend securing one?

You wish you could become a good writer then started practicing and even writing for people pro-bono till you got better, that’s getting up to do something regardless of failing at your first or second attempt. The present president of Nigeria tried to become the president four times before he eventually succeeded.

If he only wished and didn’t make necessary efforts he wouldn’t be the current president. Also, if he had accepted defeat at the first, second or even third trial he would never have become president. That's the more reason you should never give up, today might be torn filled with many bruises but with perseverance, hard work, and God in the equation things would definitely unfold as expected.

You are responsible for your life and what becomes of it, you aspire to be the next Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ned Scott then you should start putting in the necessary work to achieve such heights because greatness doesn’t come easy

You should always remember you are responsible for putting the “good life” in your life, its something no one would do on your behalf.

The World Is Yours

Thanks for reading :)

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indeed indeed. The world is yours

Yes my friend :)

I gave you some lovin How bout you give me some too?

You make an excellent point, a point I think we all are guilty of from time to time. Including myself. For an example I know people who've had the same job at the same pizza place for 11 years. They keep saying they're going to move on i.e. this summer. However, when I ask them if they've been sending out applications they often tell me "no". That kind of behavior is odd to me. How will anyone achieve anything if they don't even follow through on the most basic first step of something? I want to get to the bottom of what causes such behavior. Is it as simple as to call it lazyness? Or do people inhabit some kind of fear of change? I think it's highly curious.