Good Morning, Steemit! Wed, May 24th

in goodmorningsteemit •  8 years ago 

2017-05-23 08.09.10.pngHow are you today?

Any plans/goals/hopes for the day? Something good happen? Something bad? Achieve something? Someone make you happy or sad, surprise or disappoint you?

Please talk about it here! Feel free to reply regardless of what part of the day it is and feel free to comment multiple times throughout the day if you'd like!

I've been posting this for days and have had no response save for the first time. But I am persistent, and I will keep posting this up every morning! It would be awesome if you could help me make this a thing. I don't want your upvotes on this, but I do want your comments! (I even made a dorky little header for these posts.)

My day has started out weird. There's been a ton of rain lately, so we're getting a lot of bugs inside. Comet caught a roach. I'm not happy about the roach being inside, but I'm happy Comet caught it. He's turning into such a good little hunter! (Of course, he has Cosmo the Master Mouser and Nova the Scorpion Slayer Extraordinaire and as his teachers, so it was only a matter of time.)

I didn't meet my goal of finishing up the current pack of crane paper I'm working on, but I was successful in staying more hydrated! I also streamed Dragon Age Inquisition on Twitch last night.

Goals for today? To amaze you with some of the super tiny cranes I fold! (Okay, amazing you guys is a lot easier said than done. I plan on posting pictures of some tiny cranes and I hope you'll be amazed by them.)

I also plan on posting up a really eady origami cicada tutorial I put together quite a while ago, post up a couple more photos from our past travels, and more cat pictures, of course!

I have five cats, I might as well cash in on them! (All proceeds from cat posts will go towards spoiling the.)

I hope your day is great!

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