You can't negatively review past job Google!

in google •  7 years ago 


Employees are an important part of any business, but if the employee, who is threatened by the business, goes away, then it can also be a threat to the abandoned business. For many businesses, those negative reviews of those employees often have trouble, but Google is finally trying to block those people.

According to the news of the news, Google has changed its review policy, according to which people will not be able to get a negative review of their old jobs on the company's business tool. This step will make the reviews of those people who post reviews on Google My Business. Due to the review made through this tool, when you search for a business on Google, the rating is written with it.

Previously, the former employees were free to write any review about the companies where they had worked. Google says that he has considered it 'a conflict of interest', so the negative review has been discontinued.

The technical giants said that posting a negative review about the former employer causes the company's image to be damaged in the eyes of the real customers and it is difficult to remove it.

Companies can now contact Google to remove reviews they think are unfair. This will help improve the ratings of their businesses and will also provide fair information to the customers.

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