We are familiar with shoes and Jacket made up of animal's skin but HUMAN SKIN is very weird and horror things for us. But its true some people had made up things with human skin
A book cover made up of human skin
A Health's science book in the library of HAWARD university is made up of human skin. It was made in 17 century containing 794 pages in the title PRAKRITKARAM QUABESANAM SIRKA LEGAS REGIYAS . In 4 August 1632 AD ruler of a country from Africa MYABESA gave it to its writer to keep it safe and secured , the writer name is unknown . Its said that its cover made of writer's friend JONAS RIGHT's skin after his sudden death. The book is still safe in HAWARD University
Shoes made up of human skin[phe
In 1978 AD a gang leader of old YOMING of present America killed two governmental officer and made shoes of their skin for him
Coat made up of human skin
Modern producer of Singapore LE QUAN YU is so much of respected person that the citizens collected skin from almost all the racist live in Singapore and made a coat for him