RE: Google has blocked every one of 45 search top search terms of the WSWS.

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Google has blocked every one of 45 search top search terms of the WSWS.

in google •  8 years ago 

Not a trick, just a fact, check your dates.
Communism came from PJ Proudhon 30 years before marx and Bakunin had their falling out and marx was selected as the favorite of the banks and was allowed publicity by the newspapers.

Probably shouldn't use the very folks enslaving you for your source of information.

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Jesus advocated communism long before Proudhon. I find the capitalism/socialism debate is actually merely window dressing, because neither can actually exist in a world, as Zappa points out, that is controlled by propaganda.

I cannot endorse any political system that produces events like the Holodomor, or 9/11 and the new Crusade. Both systems are shown to be faces of one coin.

Neither monetary policy will survive the coming post-market economy anyway.

Anarchy will prevail, as soon as our robot overlords complete their conquest. Srsly.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are just symptoms.

This disease has plagued us since the first few people ganged up to farm the neighbors rather than the land.
It has metastasized for millennia, but now weed and survivalism is here to end it's conquest, imo.
If we can get the info into the right hands in time.

All hail the interwebz!!


I'd more heartily consider the remark about weed being a salvation simply a joke if I didn't know the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.

Flower power ftw!

And then there is that curing cancer thing, too,...

Freedom isn't always pretty, nor elegant, but it beats slavery on even it's worst days, if you know the difference,...


It's inevitable. Timing is uncertain, but failing extinction of H. sapiens, something along those lines (impossible to know what supergeniuses will do, so impossible to well characterize) is going to happen, because the technology is possible.

Since it's possible, we'll do it, sooner or later.

Sad but logical.