RE: Google has blocked every one of 45 search top search terms of the WSWS.

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Google has blocked every one of 45 search top search terms of the WSWS.

in google •  8 years ago 
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ah...oldest trick in the book.
change the meaning of words..
won't work.
put lipstick on a's still a pig.

Well, that's exactly what the Bolsheviks did - put lipgloss on the pig of terrorism in the shade of Communism, just as the Fed and it's feeder banks have done for Capitalism.

Capitalism isn't creating fiat money out of thin air and lending it to national governments at interest.

IMHO, Putin has made Russia far more Communist AND Capitalist by completely paying off the national debt of Russia, which has not endeared him to the banking cabal that perverts every political system in order to enslave them to debt as money, which banks are the primary beneficiaries of.

Consider the propaganda inflicted on Muslim nations. Do a search on the net for 'Muslim World Peace'. Surely you believe that there are Muslims that want peace? Therefore there should be examples of peace initiatives such a search will reveal.

What you will find instead are obvious propaganda pieces and images of the most horrifying violence.

Why? Because Islam forbids usury, which precludes our masters from profiting from national banks in their preferred way.

Communism isn't terrorism (a term, BTW, coined during the French Revolution that was applied to the State of France during the abhorrent violence following the storming of the Bastille), and neither is Capitalism, but both states, the USA and USSR, considered the respective standard-bearers of those systems are demonstrably terrorist.

surely you believe
Nope...I don't.
From the evidence and the results of multiple experiments (rat utopia ) I have concluded that EVERY organisation larger than that in which everyone in it knows everyone else in it on a personal basis...Dunbar's Number ,Is insane.

I've also been forced to conclude that as much as it would feel good to think that there is some ONE responsible for all the ills of much as it would feel good to think that SOMEONE IS RESPONSIBLE...

There's not.

The Iron Law of Bureaucracy is sufficient to explain the observations in conjunction with Occam's Razor

Well, I cannot agree that everyone that has a particular label slapped on them must therefore be insane. I can appreciate that it might be necessary to mediate information overload by simplifying some issues. Unfortunately, I have discovered it is too easy to oversimplify.

I can but assure you that I personally have met Muslims that aren't rabid terrorists, love their kids, and seek peace.

I do agree with the premise that there isn't a particular person that is the overlord of the world, and that institutions largely design the politics we suffer. That doesn't mean that there aren't persons doing bad stuff on purpose, and most of them are liars.

I particularly suspect those creating the dichotomy between Communism and liberty, and between Capitalism and slavery, as being propagandists, as I have seen that both - and, as you point out, all - political systems can result in Terrorism (by which I mean government ruling by fear, which the French revolution is the poster child for).

So, while ONE person may not be responsible, MANY people are, and intentionally use and support institutions, such as fractional reserve banking, and political entities, to do us harm. Those people are personally liable for their intentional acts, and simply ignoring them as 'institutions' fails to properly direct inquiry at the actors behind the curtain.

people, as individuals, might be ok.
most of them are.
when they congregate into groups!
the insanity of the MOB

LOL fair enough!

Not a trick, just a fact, check your dates.
Communism came from PJ Proudhon 30 years before marx and Bakunin had their falling out and marx was selected as the favorite of the banks and was allowed publicity by the newspapers.

Probably shouldn't use the very folks enslaving you for your source of information.

Jesus advocated communism long before Proudhon. I find the capitalism/socialism debate is actually merely window dressing, because neither can actually exist in a world, as Zappa points out, that is controlled by propaganda.

I cannot endorse any political system that produces events like the Holodomor, or 9/11 and the new Crusade. Both systems are shown to be faces of one coin.

Neither monetary policy will survive the coming post-market economy anyway.

Anarchy will prevail, as soon as our robot overlords complete their conquest. Srsly.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are just symptoms.

This disease has plagued us since the first few people ganged up to farm the neighbors rather than the land.
It has metastasized for millennia, but now weed and survivalism is here to end it's conquest, imo.
If we can get the info into the right hands in time.

All hail the interwebz!!


I'd more heartily consider the remark about weed being a salvation simply a joke if I didn't know the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.

Flower power ftw!

And then there is that curing cancer thing, too,...

Freedom isn't always pretty, nor elegant, but it beats slavery on even it's worst days, if you know the difference,...


It's inevitable. Timing is uncertain, but failing extinction of H. sapiens, something along those lines (impossible to know what supergeniuses will do, so impossible to well characterize) is going to happen, because the technology is possible.

Since it's possible, we'll do it, sooner or later.

Sad but logical.

Thanks for that link. Were folks to actually read it, I reckon they'd have to agree that there simply hasn't been any nation that actually practiced Communism, ever.

I reckon Goldman's characterization of real Communism as anarchist and libertarian in nature would cause cognitive dissonance to bug the eyes of true believers in Capitalism as the standard bearer of liberty!

Those that rule by force had to sully the term in the minds of the followers, or they would defect to freedom.
Ergo, Marx is the face of 'communism' rather than Bakunin.
Why 'communism' is what happened in Russia when even the name USSR said it was socialist and not communist.

Oh, and then there is this report, from the scene by the losing team, not all history is written by the winner.

Voline sounds like a man immersed in a fervid sociological pot, boiling over with injustice and ideas. I will relish the read! Thanks!

History from the point of an objective observer is rare indeed.

If you only accept ideas that come from within your bubble, you have no hope at finding freedom, imo.

You have read Howard Zinn?

I have not. I have heard of him. "The People's History of the United States", or am I confusing him with another author I haven't read =p

Yes. I linked to it.