Google and the Future of Gaming

in google •  6 years ago 


Google announced today that they are putting their hat in the gaming ring with the Stadia. It’s a cloud-based streaming console that will support some existing PC games and some original titles. We still have a lot of questions, and the console may present problems with bandwidth and data caps, however, Google is promising us the future with this device. In their announcement video, they said that “The future of gaming is not a box, It’s a place” but what if that were true? With VR growing and cloud gaming starting to become a viable platform, what if something like the Oasis (Ready Player One), or the NerveGear (Sword Art Online) came out of this? The thought of a fully realized virtual world is something gamers and sci-fi fans have wanted for years, and while it’s more than likely years away, the Stadia could be a step in that direction. Now I know I’m leaping here, but even with the obvious drawbacks and limitations on a streaming console, It’s going to happen and open doors to more possibility. Imagine playing a game where you can feel the wind on your face, travel to places only dreamt of, being able to fly, or for some walk. It’s ideas like these that will push us in new directions, VR is already starting to catch on, and with the upcoming Oculus Quest it’s becoming accessible for everyone. Now add in a true cloud console, and you have the making of a completely immersive experience. Yes the technology isn’t currently there, but in 10 years maybe; with how fast technology evolves there’s no telling what we're going to have. With Google taking their first step into cloud gaming whether successful or not, it’s going to grab people’s attention and major players like Steam, Microsoft, and Sony are going to take note. Especially with Microsoft already moving in this direction with Project Scarlet, and Steam attempting consoles in the past, the streaming future is closer than we think, and all it will take is one person, just one person to take the next step and create a truly virtual experience. Sure it will come with its own trials and tribulations, but it could change the world and how we think. No matter what comes out of this I’m just excited be along for the ride.

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