Pulling the price or other data for popular projects in Google Sheets is straightforward:
However, to do something similar for anything even slightly obscure, pulling prices will require the use of third-party addons, which are typically free for only a certain number of days and/or calls, require excessive permissions, or are slow & inconsistent in their functionality.
To help you solve this for your own analysis, attached below is a sample sheet. Have a look at hidden column B to see how this data is being pulled. Experiment to find our what other data you can pull that is important to you.
You can add/change coin names in column A that are based on the coinmarketcap url for the name of the project.
- The woo token for example is https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/wootrade/) - add "wootrade" from the end of the cmc url to column A
- Similarly, for dot it's polkadot-new from https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/polkadot-new/, and so on.
Here's the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hj675PmFFErlv--c38C0avEr28JvCZIMmG5yFR990Z0/edit?usp=sharing
Hope you find this helpful!