The God Of This Evil Age

in gospel •  6 years ago  (edited)

The God Of This Evil Age
Jeffersonville, Indiana USA
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1Resolution read by brother Neville. -Ed.
2Things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only...
Let us bow our heads. Dear heavenly Father, we are grateful this morning that we can believe. It's been made possible by the shed blood of Thy Son Jesus, that we would be partakers of His grace and become sons and daughters of God through His obedience to death at the cross, be justified by believing on Him and His resurrection. And now the Holy Spirit's shed abroad in our hearts.
We are grateful for this opportunity to come here this morning to share our thoughts, and our adorations, expressions, by songs, testimonies, reading of Psalms, reading of Thy Word, and waiting solemnly upon the Holy Spirit to deliver to us the message appointed for this hour. Grant it, Lord. May we profit by being here today. And when we leave the building, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, “Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us this morning.” Grant these things, eternal God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Be seated.
And good morning, friends here ... out here in the tabernacle and to our friends out across the nation, all the way from the West Coast again this morning to the East Coast, and north and south on the telephone hookups.
It's a nice day here in Indiana: a little ... slightly cloudy, cool, very fine. Tabernacle's packed out into the yards and around the walls. We're under great expectations for the Lord to visit us today. And we hope that God has give you a fine day wherever you are. And it is a good day, for the Lord has given it. No matter what the weather is, it's a good day. We're happy to be here, happy yet that we have the opportunity to express to the world our faith in Jesus Christ. And we want to take every opportunity we can to give our expressions of His love and what He's done for us.
Today we are....
3I was given a few moments ago an announcement to make, and then I've got a few things here I'd like to say. And one of them, the announcement was given me concerning a board meeting the other night. And there's been one deacon from the church that's took up resident in Arizona, which is Brother Collins, our noble brother. And while he's away, the board, has appointed Brother Charlie Cox to take his place while he's gone. And Brother Charlie Cox is officially appointed by the trustee ... or the deacon board of this church to take the office of Brother Collins in his absence.
4And a thing.... I want to say again, I want to thank all you people—because some of you may go home before the healing service tonight—for the nice little gifts, tokens. Much food has been brought to us since we been here. And from my wife and I, and my family, we certainly appreciate it. Sometimes I forget to even say anything about it. It's so busy, you know. My mind is in such a whirl all the time. You can imagine what it is of people, not only from right here at this church, but from around the world, see. And it sort of keeps me in a whirl all the time.
Someone was saying about the dedication of the babies, and baptismal services, and so forth. That's very fine. Wish I could do it, but it's just so twisting I hardly have time. I got to keep my mind right on this, this message. You know the Bible said to the apostles ... or the apostles, rather, in the Bible said “Go, look yourself out among you men of good report, and honest, and filled with the Holy Ghost, that they might attend to the affairs.” And I told Billy....
He said, “You going to dedicate the baby this time, Daddy?”
I said, “Oh, my!” See? If we got many of them waiting to be dedicated—and that's right—I'll just have to come back and take a special day for dedication of babies. So I'd like to do that.
5But we want to thank each one of you from our hearts, Wife, I, and our family. The people bring us canned goods, fresh butter beans, watermelons, cantaloupes, oh, strawberries. Just anything could be thought of, they bring it.
A precious brother and his sister the other day brought us a great big turkey. I'm still eating on it. And so just.... Oh, and I'll have to clean it up 'fore I leave, I guess. If I don't, she'll take it right with us. And so we'll ... we're certainly appreciative of these things. I know many of the people. Some of them I don't know. They'll be laying on the porch when we come in. And so I certainly appreciate it. And many I know, I've got ... I've seen many, and there's many that I don't get to see. I'm sure that everybody understands that I'd like to get to everyone if I could, but I'm only one, see. I can't get to everyone. I'm doing everything I know how to do it.
6So God be with you. I'm sure that there's One that will be with you; that's Jesus Christ, and He can be. He's the only Person that's omnipresent, and He's also omnipotent; so He can supply every need. And omniscient also, knows your needs, of what you have need of.
I commend everyone that I will not.... I've been getting just as fast as I could even since I've been here this morning, and I'll get everyone that I can. And what I miss, the omnipotent God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
I can't read that too well. It's a special announcement of some sort. And I think Billy Paul must've wrote it, so.... He's like me. I can't even read my own writing. And so I have a shorthand all of my own. And if you'd see some of my texts here, wrote on here.... You think you'd ever understand that? I have like a star crossing a bridge and so forth, just all ... [Brother Branham reads an announcement.] All right.
7Now, so another thing that I would like to announce here is that ... this tonight now for the healing services. We're going to pray for the sick tonight, and so I trust that you'll be here.
And we send the greetings to all the people out across the land in the name of the Lord Jesus, that God will bless you this morning. Some of you are up towards noon. Up in New York it is about noontime, and out in Arizona, the West Coast, it's only about 7 o'clock. And here we're right in between. So God bless you as you listen.
Now, this may be.... I've took it upon my heart, while being here ...
8and was not allowed to have the auditoriums, and finally they kind of give us permission; we could have one service, but we should not pray for any sick. I don't.... That's my ministry. I have to do what the Holy Spirit tells me to do. So I refused it, because that I want to be at liberty to do whatever the Holy Spirit says do, see. So I thought we can suffer one more day anyhow in the tabernacle. And it's cool this morning. The Lord has just made a fine day for us here, so we're thankful.
9Now in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of teaching the last vials, last seven vials, and the last seven trumpets, and the last seven thunders of the book of Revelation, tying them together in this hour that we're now living to follow the opening of the seven seals, the seven church ages. So we couldn't get room to do it; so I hope that soon as I can, we can get a place sufficient for that either here or Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do.
But in this now, I took this opportunity to express to the people my belief and faith in God, and then bringing you to the hour that we're living in. And by this, it's not appointed to any certain person, creeds, whatever it might be; it's just as I see God's Word. And last Sunday we had a very fine outpouring of the Spirit upon the Word. It was very lengthy, and I hated to stay that long; but yet, we don't know what time that we're going to meet for our last time. And we must ... want to be ... I want to be, rather, as Paul said of old, “I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” Jesus said He kept nothing back from His disciples. And as I, so busy with trying to stay under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to find what the hour ... the message of the hour is, I sometimes fail to get out and do my duties as a servant of Christ, as a minister. But I've got several men who try to help me to do this, to which I'm thankful for, all my minister brothers.
10Now, I don't mean to try to keep people. If you out into the land where the message is going could stand and look around this church this morning in the aisles, the nurseries, outside, radios on, in buses, trailers, and so forth, and automobiles, you would see what the problem is. And then each service many, many driving by and calling, and so forth, they couldn't get in around. And we need more room so that people can sit and be comfortable. And then to bring down to a message that I think is so vital important, I feel that we ought to everyone be comfortable and seated so we can listen with our pencils, and paper, and notes, and Bible, and so forth to take down the notes. But this way I thought I would go back on the time that we have ... we're living in and try to bring some of these things that you're going to meet. And you're going to need them.
11If I come here today, or any other day, or any other minister, to try to bring a message to a people, a dying people as we are, and the time so close at hand, as I believe for this day, I'd be a hypocrite to try to bring something that I know that you would be pleased with and it'd be against God's Word, or something to draw a crowd, or something like that. I wouldn't be what I'm here to be, a minister of Christ. I want to bring something that I think is of vital use to you, not just to be seen, but to think it's something that if I die today, tomorrow it'll be anchored in your heart to go on and serve God.
12Now, I want to say that there's something just getting ready to happen. I know it. Many of you here remember when Brother Junior Jackson come to me a little bit before going towards Arizona of a dream he had? A strange thing. How many remembers that? And the Lord gave us the interpretation, and it happened to the letter. Now, he's just had another dream, something.
And the strange thing, a man was here the other day from Oregon. Doesn't hardly know me and dreamed the same dream about, that Junior Jackson dreamed, and come told me. I don't know the interpretation; I'm waiting for the Lord. But I know it's going to be something from God—just remember that—“Thus saith the Lord.” It's something coming forth from God. I don't know what it is. It's really striking, very striking. Frankly, according to the dreams that both men.... One of them I'd.... He might be a Baptist, Presbyterian; he might be sitting here this morning. I don't know. He was here the other day; I don't know the man.
But he told the dream with tears in his eyes. And it shook him. He come all the way from Oregon here to express it. Brother Jackson come in like manner this morning. One man not knowing the other, one thousands of miles from the other, and both dreams just exactly on the same thing. So the Holy Spirit is withholding the interpretation thereof from me. I don't know what to tell the man. But I know God is fixing to do something, and it'll be glorious in our eyes.
13Now, the message this morning, I want to read from the book of Galatians. I don't preach or just.... It's a Sunday school lesson. And now, you men and women that's standing along the walls, and if somebody wants to swap and let you sit down awhile or something, now, you won't bother me; just be reverently. And if the mothers or little ones cry or something, someone will step out of the nursery so they can have room for the little one.
And now, you get your pencil, Bible, and ready for to take down some of the Scriptures that we will read. I don't want you so you feel bound down. I don't want you to feel.... I want you to feel at liberty to sit and study. And you might disagree—which is all right—but I'm only speaking this across the nation this morning, so that the peoples that has believed the message that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what's taking place and placing it in the Scripture.
14Last Sunday we spoke on The Anointed Ones In the Last Day. And if any of you are tape listeners, be sure to get that tape, not that we want to sell tapes; that isn't the idea. It's the idea of getting the message out, see, see. If you've got a tape machine, get a group of people together, and play it, and listen close.
The Anointed Ones. You hear people raise up and say, “Oh, the Bible said, 'The last days false prophets would rise and do these signs.' (That's exactly the Scripture.) Then where does that apply?” It's got to be applied right. Tonight I wanted to speak on, if the Lord's willing, of God Revealed In His Own Word, how that the eye cannot be applied where the ear ought to be, see. Just like printing the whole Bible, and in the whole Bible pictures Jesus Christ. So I want to speak on that tonight, the Lord willing, And now, if not, some later date.
15Now, in the book of Galatians and in the book of II Corinthians 4:1-6 and Galatians 1:1-4 I wish to read some Scripture. Now, in Galatians 1:1-4
Paul, an apostle, ... [Watch the stopping right quick. Apostle means “one sent, or a missionary.”]
Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but ... Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God ... our Father:
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
16Now, in the book of II Corinthians the fourth chapter, and we're going to read from 1 to 6 verses.
Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
But if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost: [If that don't bring in predestination, I don't know what does.]
In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. [Same as it was at the garden of Eden: put them forth lest they touch that tree.]
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; ... ourselves your servants for Christ's sake.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
17[Amen! So reads the Word.]
Now, my text this morning is the God of This Evil Age. As we have read in the Scriptures, the god of this world, this evil age.... Now, this message points out the evils of this evil age, and it is fitting to prophecy for this evil age. And it's my belief that every ... that the Bible has every answer for every age already written in the Bible for the believer of that age. I believe that everything that we have need of, is written right here; just needs to be interpreted by the Holy Spirit. I don't believe that any man on earth has a right to put his own interpretation to the Word. God doesn't need anybody to interpret His Word. He's His own interpreter. He said He would do it, and He does it.
As I've said many times, He said, “A virgin shall conceive.” He spoke that through the lips of a prophet. And she did. Nobody has to interpret that. In the beginning He said, “Let there be light!” and there was. Nobody has to interpret it. He said in the last days He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He did. Don't need any interpreting. He said in the last days these things that we see happening now would be here. It don't need any interpreting. It's already interpreted, see.
18Now, notice closely now as we study the Word, the god of this evil age that we're now living. It may seem strange, a very strange thing in this age of grace, when God is taking a people for His namesake—that is, His bride—in this evil age that should be called the age of evil. The very age that God is calling a people for His namesake—by grace —out and is called an evil age. Now, we'll prove it by the Bible that this is the age that He was speaking of.
Very strange thing to think that, that in a evil age like this that God then would be calling His bride. Did you notice, He said a people, not a church. Why? Yet it's called the church, but He would call a people. Now, a church is a gathering of many people of all different make-ups. But God is calling one here. He didn't say, “I'll call the Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal”; He said He'd call a people; what for? His name, see. A people. One from the Methodist, one from the Baptist, one from the Lutheran, one from the Catholic, see. But He's calling not a church group, but a people for His name, that receives His name, engaged in His name, going to a wedding to be married to Him, to become part of Him by predestination. Just as a man that chooses a right wife in life was ordained to be part of his body, so—that is—the bride of Christ will be and is now from old ordained by God to be a part of that body, see. Oh, the Scriptures are so rich, full of honey.
19Notice. Not what someone has said, what someone called, but what God chose before the foundation of the world, and is calling these people in the last days. Not an organization, a people for His name. And this evil age is when He's a-doing it, this very age of deception.
Last week, in Matthew 24 it was the most deceiving age of all ages. All the ages of deceit from the garden of Eden all the way down, there's never been an age so deceptive as this age. False prophets will rise and show signs and wonders, if possible, to deceive the very elected, see. Now, just a cold, formal, starchy churches and so forth of man-made theology, that wouldn't ... the elect would never pay no attention to that. But it's up there almost like the real thing. Just leaving out one word is all you have to do. Promised of the age, very great time.... Christians everywhere, take heed to the hour we're living. Mark down, and read, and listen close.
20What would God call a people out of this evil age for His name? The reason it is, is to try her, His bride. It's to.... When she is made manifest, been tried, is proven, proved to Satan.... Like it was at the beginning, so shall it be at the end.
As a seed starts in the ground, it comes up through carriers, the life of it. But it ends up the same seed that it was when it went in the ground. And the same way the seed of deceit fell in the ground in Eden, is the same way it ends up in the last days. Just as the Gospel was when it fell to a denomination at Nicaea, Rome, it ends up in a super organization. Just as the seed of the church fell back there with the signs, wonders, and the living Christ among them, it ends up in the last days under the ministry of Malachi 4 and restores back again the original faith that was once given.
21We find now this evil age is to prove to Satan she is not like Eve, that she is not that type of a woman. And she will be tried by His Word, the bride, as Adam's bride was tried by the Word. And Adam's bride believed every bit of the Word, all but confused on one promise (that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever today. see.)—but failed on one promise, under the temptation of the enemy, face to face. And now, the people that's called for His name, of course, is His bride. She is to come in contact again by the same thing, not by just denominational truth or something, but every word.
For in the beginning of the Bible man was given the Word of God to live by. One word misinterpreted by a man called Satan in a person of an animal called the serpent.... Satan in this person could talk to Eve, and misinterpreted the Word to her, and was lost, see. It must be every word.
22In the middle of the Bible Jesus come and said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word,” when He was tempted by Satan. Now, God telling us here in the last days that the god of this world will rise up in the last days, and whosoever shall add one word to it or take one word from it, his part will be taken from the book of life. God be merciful to us. And let us not walk as stiff shirts, chests stuck out, head up, know it all, for we too one time were in disobedience. Let us with grace, and mercy, and feeling in our heart towards God, humbly come to the throne of grace.
Strange. Now, after some nineteen hundred years of Gospel preaching, and now she, that is the world system, is more evil than in the days when He was here. The world system is more evil. The world is heading to a great climax. You know that. The Lord is fulfilling His Word on every hand.
23Yesterday standing.... I hope the little fellow don't.... He won't. I'd come with my wife, and Mrs. Woods, Brother Roy Roberson somewhere here, Brother Woods, we'd stopped on over here at this little Youngstown Shopping Center to get a package that Sister Woods had. And while we was standing there, a young fellow walked up and introduced himself, a stranger to me. Another young man walked up and said they were from either Alabama ... I believe Georgia, 'cause I asked them if they knowed our Brother Welch Evans. And we talked a few minutes. And when I went to leave, this young man looked at me. As the young other fellow and his little boy walked away, this young man looked at me; he said, “Just one thing I want to say.”
I said, “Are you a believer, are you a Christian?”
Said, “No, sir!” He said....
24I might not quote just the word he said here, but he might've been a little skeptic. I'd asked him about the things—the Angel of the Lord appearing. And he said he had heard about it, but he never been to church before ... this church. I said, “Do you believe it?”
Said, “Yes, sir! He said, ”I've been watching something.“ Said, ”People's been telling me about these predictions and things, and I heard on a tape that you predicted how California would crack away like that.“ And said, ”When I saw that in the paper, then I believed it.“ He said, ”I'm coming today or tomorrow (that's today) for my first time.“
I said, “The Lord bless you, Son,” and started to shake his hand.
He said, “But I want to say something to you, Sir.” He said, “I'm as lost as lost can be.” He said, “I'm like a coin in a sandpile: lost!”
I said, “But you don't have to stay that way; there's Someone standing present now who can find you the minute that you're ready to be found.”
He said, “I'm ready!”
I said, “Would you bow your head?”
He said, “I'm not ashamed.” Not only that, but he got down on his knees there in that parking lot before all the people. People on the street watching him, there we prayed with him till he gave God his heart. He come up a sinner, went back a child of God. He walked up the side of the car dead and went back alive.
I said, “The pool will be open tomorrow.”
There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
Where sinners plunge beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains;
I said, “Rise and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, calling upon the name of the Lord. God will fill you with the Holy Spirit, and give to you these great things, and make you so you can see it.”
25What is it? The world's heading to a climax. Why? The spirit of lawlessness, moral decay, scientific religion, has led it to the cage of every hateful and unclean bird, as the Bible said. Let's read it, Revelation 18. Just while we're getting this point started, we get Revelation 18:1-5. I think I've got that marked right.
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, [Now you people that had the dreams,...] saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hole of every foul spirit, ... a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her [Church!] fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornications with her, and the merchants of the earth has waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, ... that you receive not of her plagues.
For her sin has reached into heaven, and God ... remembers her iniquities.
26What a warning! That throws the church exactly back to Revelation 3:14, to the Laodicean age, lawlessness, real religious, but lawlessness. “Thou, because thou sayest that we are rich, have need of nothing, knowest thou not that thou art naked, miserable, blind, and knows it not!” Perfectly with the Scripture of this age, not for the Scripture of the age of Daniel, not for the ones in the name of—the age of Noah, but in this last evil age.
Notice here. Thou art naked! Let that soak real deep. I know I may have much disagreement on this thought, but it's got to a place that a Christian can hardly walk out of his house and not be brought in the presence of this evil age by unsufficient dressed women.
27Women, I'm going to say this, and I want you to listen. And men and women, you might disagree with this, but I feel led to say it. Did you know, any woman that undresses herself like that is not in her right mind? Do you know, she is, whether she believes it or not or thinks it or not, she is a prostitute? Though the woman might stand with her hand before God and swear that she's never been touched by any other man but her husband, and that might be the honest truth, but still she is a prostitute. Jesus said, “Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already.” And the woman may be....
See, she's naked, the Bible said, and don't know it. The Spirit that's anointing her to do such things is a evil, prostitute spirit. Her outward being, her physical body, her flesh, she might be clean. She might not commit any adultery and could swear to God—and be the truth—that she never.... But her spirit is a prostitute spirit. She has been so blinded by the god of this world of fashion; she dressed herself sexy and got out there.
28The other day Brother Woods and I were putting our boat in the river. I was to get away from the house for a few minutes to go up on the river. And wherever you went, women with these little bunches of ... called “kinis” or something around them. That is a disgrace. A woman can't be in her right mind and put on anything like that. She is possessed with a prostitute spirit. Now, you settle that with God, lady; you'll find out someday that that is the truth.
How could you, a lady, knowing how sacred your body is, and expose it out there to these lustful, sinful, devils that walk the streets of this day? If sons of God was all still sons of God, your husband was a son of God, he'd either make you put on clothes or leave you. If a boy was a son of God, he'd never marry such a thing, see. You say, “You're making....” No, I'm telling you the truth, and someday you'll meet it. Naked, adulteress, don't know it.
“Oh, I swear that I never trespassed the vows to my husband.” Your husband will judge you for it if you did. But God will judge you by what kind of a spirit you got in you, not judge you by your body, but by your spirit, that inner man.
29The outside man is a physical being which is controlled by six senses ... or five senses, rather. The inside man is a spirit man which is controlled by five senses: Conscience, and love, and so forth. The outside man: see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But the inside of that spirit is a soul, and it's controlled by one thing: your free will. You can accept what the devil says or accept what God says. And that'll determine what spirit's in there. If it's a Spirit of God, it'll feed on the things of God, and it won't feed on anything of the world. Jesus said, “If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God's not even entered this inner part.” Satan's deceived you. “And man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Notice. Now, we find that she is naked, lewd, and nude.
30And the world seems to be in the most evil age that ever.... Never in any age did women ever act like that, never, but just before the destruction of the antediluvian world. And Jesus referred to it. We'll get to that after while.
Has God lost control, or is He just permitting another agency to control? I wonder. The true answer to this question is: To my opinion, there is two opposing spirits in the world today at work. Now, there can't be more than two, two heads. And one of them is the Holy Spirit at work; the other one is a spirit of the devil, and in this last days, in deception. Now, I'm going to base my thoughts right on here for the rest of the text ... the rest of our message.
31The two spirits: one of them, God's Holy Spirit; the other one, the devil's spirit working in deception. The people of the earth are now making their choice. The Holy Spirit is here calling out a bride for Christ. He's doing it by vindicating His Word of promise to her for this age, showing that it is Christ. If the finger's supposed to move in this age, the finger will move. If the foot's supposed to move in this age, the foot will move. If the eye is to see in this age, the eye will see, see. The Spirit of God, as it's growed into the full stature of God, is.... The age that we're now living in, the Holy Spirit is here vindicating the message of the hour. And the Holy Spirit is doing this so that the people that believe God will be called out of this chaos. The devil's unholy spirit is here calling his church by the error, as usual, by perversion of the Word of God like he did at the beginning. See it coming right back to that seed time again? From Eden, here it is again.
32Now, back through there, other ages, you belonged to denominations; you belonged to this, that, or the other. What happened to the denominational stalk? It dries up. The Spirit keeps leaving it, going on. And it heads up in a seed.
You see in the temptation of both, heads back the same way it was at the beginning. Notice, don't forget it now. As John ... I John 4:5 and 6—if you want to put that down—he puts it “the spirit of error.” Eve never just simply walked out willfully say, “I don't believe in God!” No, it was a error she believed.
Satan never come out and said, “Oh well, that's not even the Word of God!” He admitted it was the Word of God, but he put his own interpretation to it, which God plainly told them not to do it. What does this do? It makes a strong delusion for the people to believe a lie and be damned by it. Now, if you want to read that, II Thessalonians 2:11. As I have about ... quite a few scriptures here, and we won't be able to read them all. One now and then, I'll give them to you as....
It seems strange that you question it or something, and we might put it down and read for your good.
33Making a strong delusion, as the Bible said it would (II Thessalonians), how this man of sin would come into existence and sit in the temple of God, showing himself he was God and caused the people to go into strong delusion to believe a lie; and believe it will be damned by it. That's the same thing he did to Eve: give her.... Never told her the Word wasn't right, but give her a strong delusion that she believed a lie.
The spirit of delusion is of the devil, devils now working in the children of disobedience. Disobedient to what? What's the children of this day disobedient to? Like Eve was at the beginning, the true Word of God. Right. Now, if you would want to get that, let's turn to it (Ephesians 2) just a minute, 'cause it seems good that I stop just a minute if you're in no big hurry and read some of this. Ephesians 2:1 to 2:
And you hath he quickened, who were once dead in trespasses and sin:
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
34[Children of disobedience!]
And if the antichrist beginning there in the infancy of disobedience, what will it be when it heads up in the person of the antichrist? How deceptive it'll be. How much more powerful of deception could an adult give to the world than an infant child? And it said, “The spirit of delusion now working in the children of disobedience,” disobedient to the Word.
Notice. Now, I want to dwell on this just a minute: the children of disobedience, a child. Did you know, you, your beginning...? I can prove by God's Word that you, any person in here, was alive in your great grandfather. And your great grandfather.... You were produced down to your grandfather, then to your father, and then to you. You know that? The Bible said—I believe it's Hebrews 7—that Melchisedec.... When Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings, Abraham paid Melchisedec tithing of all the spoils. And here's Paul saying now that Levi, who received tithes, was yet.... He paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. So whatever that Abraham did.... Then we find that Levi was then in Abraham which was his great grandfather. Abraham begot Isaac; Isaac begot Jacob; Jacob begot the patriarchs: Levi.... Now, then you see here comes into perfect view, predestination.
35Now, in these messages I want to emphasize the things that I have told you in the message of this evening light that God said would come upon the earth.
And notice, man.... The beast that was to come upon the earth would deceive all whose names were not put in the Lamb's book of life, slain before the foundation of the world.
In God's own thinking.... God, the great Spirit, in the beginning before there was a beginning, He was God. And did you know you were in Him then? If you are a Christian now, you was in Him then. And then if that be so, the whole Godhead bodily shaped up in the person of Jesus Christ. And then when Jesus died at the cross, I died with Him, for I was in Him then; for He was the fullness of the Word manifested, knowing that we would be manifested later. And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him, and we raised with Him in His resurrection, and now we've ascended by His Spirit to the throne of grace, sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, always.
36For as the germ of natural life is brought down, germitized from father to father, to father, to father, so is the life of Christ germitized. That's the reason God uses Elijah's spirit five different times. What is it? It's a handing down.
Just as your natural life and traits is handed down from the natural breeding of your father, so is the Spirit of God that was predestinated before the foundation of the world. And when the entire Word of God in complete was headed up in a human body called Jesus Christ, in there God made me pay for my sins in Him there. Then He rose me ... raised me up with Him in the resurrection. And now we are seated with Him with power and authority over every devil. Oh, if you could only believe what God has given! But if you're not seated there, you don't have it. And if you're seated there and don't believe and are afraid to move, you'll never use it. But if you are seated there, you will use it, for you're ordained to do what you do.
Pharaoh, on the other side, was raised up for this purpose, the Bible said, to be Pharaoh. Judas Iscariot was raised up to be the son of perdition.
Now, notice these great truths that we are approaching.
37Now we see that the church refused to accept God's Word to rule over them and accepted Barabbas instead. Now, if you want the Scripture on that, it's Matthew 27:15 to 23. What did this do? What position did this do? Now, think of it. When the church world in it's organized light of righteous, holy men—as they thought they were and were in the eyes of the people—they crucified Jesus and said, “We'll not have this man rule over us.” And Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God; I John 1 expresses it. And they said, “We'll not have this Word of God to rule over us.” Yet He was the Word, but their eyes were blinded to what He was. For He was the direct answer to every prophecy that was to come to pass in Him. Now, we all believe that, because we're looking back to see it happen. But if the world that is now, this present evil age, that would've been back there at that time, they'd do the same thing they're doing today, because it's still the same Word for this age being manifested. They'll do it. They can't do nothing else. They are children of disobedience, given a strong delusion to believe a lie and be damned by it.
38Notice. When the church world would not accept Jesus, the Word manifested of that day, because why? They had it interpreted another way. But they ought to have knowed that He was that Word, because everything that God said He would do, He did it. And He said to them, “Search the Scriptures for this hour, and if I do not meet the qualification that was spoke for me to do, then don't believe me.”
They said, “We believe Moses.”
He said, “If you would've believed Moses, you would've believed me, for Moses spoke of me.” And still they didn't see it. The very God of heaven dying on the cross and saying the same words the prophets said He would say, and still they didn't see it, see. They were not of His kind. They was not the Word—not the Word—and yet they were very religious. But they was not the Word, for they would've recognized its place for that hour.
39Notice how beautiful the Scriptures tie themselves together in every age. Notice now. And when the church world would not have the Word of God to rule over them, they accepted a murderer: Barabbas. What did this do? It exalted Satan, the god of this evil age, to a place that's he always wanted—now listen—for Satan is not spoke of as a god of any other age but this age. He wasn't spoke of the god of the age of Noah. He wasn't spoke of the god of the age of Moses, the god of the age of Elijah, but this evil age he is the.... Oh, don't miss it! He is the god of this evil age worshipped by millions and billions of people, and they don't know it.
But let's let the Scripture uncover him this morning, and let's see; then you'll know. Let the Scripture, as in the meetings of discernment when the Holy Spirit gets among His Word and He calls out this man and says, “You have no business living with this other woman. What did you do that for ten years ago when you run off with that man's wife?” What's He doing? Uncovering him, exposing Satan that's got the man bound, or the woman living with some other woman's husband, or the sins that they've done, the things that they have done. What does it do? Expose him.
40The doctors take instruments and try to find what's wrong. They can't do it. We can't tell. But then, the Holy Spirit comes out, and reveals what he is, and exposes him, see. That's what the Word of God is. It is a light that shines in darkness. And when you take a noise in the room, it sounds mysterious. A bunch of something working, and you don't know what it is, turn on the light. Quickly, crickets, roaches, they are children of the darkness. And when the light flashes, they scatter away. “They went out from us, because they wasn't of us,” the Bible said, see. They cannot live in the light of the world, for the God of heaven has sent His light in this last days that He might lighten the path for His children, that they might not walk in darkness and stumble, but they might walk in the light of the shining of Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen!
41Notice, Satan not called the god of any other age but this age. It was his ambition to be like God from the very beginning. Let's read that. We'll just take our time. Let's go back.... Let's see; I got it wrote down, Isaiah 14. Let's go back here to Isaiah 14 just a minute and see what God said the god ... what Satan did. Isaiah 14:12 and 14. Notice.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: [Sons of God, now.] and I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
It was Satan's ambition to be worshipped like God. He took two-thirds of the stars of heaven, ascended hisself above those stars, and preached to them, and deceived two-thirds of them. You see it? All right. Notice, that's his ambition. And now he is ready with his careful selected, educated bride by his own knowledge (see), all painted up in his deceit of big buildings, and big denominations, and paints of knowledge, and theology, and smart, and intellectual, and educated, to deceive the whole world and become a god (that's what he's done!), all heading up into the person of the antichrist, which is already crowned the vicar of God by his worldly-loving, scientific bride, all dressed up in pomp of intellectual, religious education. She is made religious like him, and by his own interpretation of the Word of God as he did Eve, and as his son Cain did.
Now, you said, “Satan's son?”
42Show me one place in the Bible that Cain was ever called Adam's son. The Bible said he was the son of that evil one, serpent's seed. No, the cover's been took off now, brother. The pyramid has been opened as the revelation showed.
Notice what he will do, his thought. He thought God dwelt in worldly beauty. He did that in heaven. Sin never began in the garden of Eden; it began in heaven when Lucifer, the son of the morning, exalted himself in beauty and wanted a more beautiful kingdom than that of Michael. And he thought that God dwelt in beauty.
And notice Cain. He didn't want no blood sacrifice. He come down and offered the fruit ... or, the fields of beauty upon his altar. Very religious, done everything that ... just exactly like Abel done—offered a sacrifice, fell down before God in worship, obedient in every way—but without the revelation of the Word. And the Word was from the beginning God's plan. But God revealed by revelation the very thing that He vindicated and punctuated that that was right. Not religion, not an altar, not belonging to church, not making a sacrifice, not being sincere, but by the revelation of the Word of God. God revealing to him that his mother did not take an apple that a snake give her, but she had a sexual affair with the person of Satan in the form of the beast, not a reptile, but the most smartest, subtlest of all the field, the image of man, only thing that the seed would mix in. Now, science is trying to find him. And they never will find him, because every bone in his body is changed. But the Bible declares it to be so.
43Notice what this fellow will do now. This fellow, he will sit in the temple of God, that is the church, revealing himself to be God. Now, if you want to read that, that's II Thessalonians 2:3 and 4 and Revelation 13:4, 11 and 12, where spoke both prophets, both John and Paul, of what he would be in the last day. Now.... You read it, because I've got it wrote down here, but to save time now.
The day we are living is called, in the Bible, the day of man, man's day. This is not God's day. God is not the god of this earth; the Bible says He isn't; He's the God of heaven. But this is not God's day; this is choosing day. Either live for today and die; choose God and live; and God is the Word. And the Word is the Word manifested for the hour and the day.
44Notice, the day of man. If you want to put that down, I was going to read it, but I Corinthians 5:1-5 ... I Corinthians 4:1-5, pardon me, I Corinthians 4:1 to 5, was Paul speaking of being judged by man in man's day.
The day.... “What do you call it the man's day for?” you would say. It's the day that the works by the knowledge of man is glorified. Look what all the brag of the Communists. Somebody try and get somebody to the moon. God's trying to get somebody to heaven, see. But look how they're spending millions, and billions and trillions of dollars in a wasted effort. When they get there, they ain't going to find nothing. What's the matter with them? I don't care about the moon. I want to pass the moon so fast I won't even see it, just keep going higher. I want to pass the milky, white way, go on, just keep going. Yes!
45And the world today is dedicating themselves to the knowledge which came by Satan; and man's day is glorified, not by the Word of God, but by the knowledge that he has. Now think, let that soak in. And when you'll play this tape back, on this point here stop for a while and think. His works are exalted above God's Word and manifested works. The wisdom of Satan which he give to Eve at the beginning.... Now listen, don't miss this! The wisdom of Satan is exalted to the throne of worship in man above the vindicated Word of God for the hour. Our churches proves that by their seminaries, schools of learning, that's learnt more than God's Word knows about it, they think. And there, Doctor So-and-so, and teacher So-and-so, and professor So-and-so has exalted their own knowledge, so-called, from Satan, truth above the vindicated promise of God made clear right before them. And men fall for it, see.
His scientific achievements trying to prove God's Word wrong.... Just think of that. He.... His (that is, the man's) theology explains God's Word to the people and makes it of no effect again like he had it in the denominational age when Jesus appeared on the earth. Jesus said, “You hypocrites, you by your tradition (that's their interpretation) has took the Word of God and made it of no effect to the people.” And that's the same thing they've done today. It doesn't have the effect.
46Notice. They, the people, exalt him above all that's called God. Don't II Thessalonians say they would do it? And the authority of a denominational church, the people believing that denomination more than they believe God—and God is the Word—they'll believe their denominational creed above the Word, which exalts him above all that's called God. And there's only one God, and that's the Word. All that's called God.... So he as God, sits in the church of God, proving that he is god, because he's got the people worshipping him. God is the Word. And he exalts himself above all that's called God. And there's only one God, and that God is the Word, see. And all that's called god is.... The god of this age has exalted himself above the true, vindicated Word of God (that's St. John 1, see)—above all that's called God so that he as God, sits in the temple of God with authority (look); and he is praised for it. Oh, let the people, God, see that deception. He is praised for it and solemnly believed by the people of this evil age. Now, do you see the god and his servants of this evil age?
47Now, let's watch it be manifested. He says he is making a better world for them to live in by his knowledge apart from the never-failing Word of God. But by his coming together in denominations, and creeds, and intellectual, and scientific, and so forth, he is making a better world for men to live in and ignoring the promise of God that the only time the world will be fit to live in is in the Millennium. You know, in my opinion, he's made a better world to sin in instead of live in.
Notice. Did he do it? He legalized sin. He legalized whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking. And in the churches legalized that a woman could be a member of the church with short hair. Now, maybe you stop just a minute.
48She can wear shorts, wear paints, and still belong to his religious group, which is absolutely contrary to the Word of God. He says it's all right. See his knowledge? “What's that got to do with a woman?” Just the same as taking the forbidden fruit or not the forbidden fruit; that's what it is. God said not to do it, but he does it.
And she believes him, and she loves him for it. She hates God. Her own actions prove she does. She says she loves Him, but she loves Satan. She worships the god of fashion, the god of the world, the Hollywood goddesses. She loves him, but she hates the true Word of God, which is the only true God there is. Legalizes it: “In the churches there ain't no harm. Our women can do this, that, or the other.” But in the presence of the living God she's not even permitted to come unless she's repentant.
See, he is the god of worldly beauty; he is. She wants to look beautiful, and he is the god of beauty from the beginning. He can and has achieved by his knowledge in science and materials to make beauty for this model age ... this modern age, rather, of evil. He's made beauty.
49Notice. It's noteworthy to notice: At the beginning Seth and his children never went the scientific way. Now, we're going to talk about science for a few minutes. If I say this, not excusing my ignorance, but a bunch of ignoramuses, anything that'll deny the Word of God, see. Sure! It's noteworthy. Watch it. Seth's children never went the scientific route. They were humble herdsmen, farmers, and so forth. But Cain's children did. Why? Inspired by their daddy, the devil. Cain, inspired by his daddy, the devil, and these inspired by that seed coming down.
Watch the seed of God coming down through every age, and watch where it's heading up today. Christians, genuine Christians, are not all about scientific research and stuff. No, just a minute we'll get into that. But Cain's did after the nature of their father, the devil, full of worldly knowledge, beauty, and science, so forth. Cain's children was scientific; they were educated. They was the players of music instruments (a modern Elvis Presley and some of this stuff like that the school board lets happen up here in the lane every Saturday night), builders of cities, beautifying women for personal lust, as the devil giving women paint, and bobbing their hair, and put them into shorts and things like that. It's for his own dirty lusts. That's pretty flat, but I don't know any other way to say it.
50Now, we know that Satan's gospel is a gospel of science and progress. He preached it in Eden, not God, Satan did, the science of progress. Science and progress is Satan's gospel. Look where he's led us to today with it, see.
Notice, he preached it in Eden to who? To Adam's bride, and she fell for it. He deceived her into questioning one of God's words. Let's see what he might've said. He must have said, “It is not scientific to die in this holy church,” or, “You will be schooled and educated not to believe in such unreasonable things as death. I don't care if God's Word did say it, it's unreasonable.”
51Oh, look at him today. “God is a good God. You're in His holy church. Why, you cannot die!” But God said you would, and that settles it! See him today? “Oh, just belong to church. It ain't what you do, or this, that, or the other. Just come to church and be a good member. Cutting your hair, that's nonsense. And wearing shorts, and putting on paint, and going to dances, and a little beer once in a while won't hurt you as long as you don't indulge in it. Frankly, I wish you children would take it, so that they could learn whether they liked it or not.” There he is: the god of this age, this evil age.
“God is a good God.” I've heard that so much till I get sick. God is also a God of justice. He ain't an old doty grandpa that can be pushed around and His grandkids don't have any sin; He's a God of justice and holiness. He proved it in the garden of Eden by His first children. You cross that line of one of His words, you're dead. Same thing applies today.52And notice. He preached that kind of a scientific, social, educated, progressive gospel to Eve, and Adam's bride believed it. And he has succeeded in filling the so-called bride of Christ, the church of the second Adam, with the same arguments. That's right.
“Oh, it's not for God. God is too good to do it. Why, as long as you go to church.... If thou believest....” The devil believes, not make believes, but he actually believes. He's not saved. “If thou believest....”
He tells the second bride ... or the second Adam's bride the same as he told the first, such as, “Now, divine healing, there is no such thing. We can prove that. There's never been a case proved. And this baptism in Jesus' name, now, don't you realize that I'm the authority of the church,” he says. “We've settled that at Nicaea, Rome,” when them three unclean spirits went out of the dragon, the false prophets, and so forth. “We believe there is a trinity of gods.” Oh, for goodness sake. That's as heathen as can be. Don't you never come before God with such a thing as that, try to stand in His presence.
“Oh, it don't make any difference if you are baptized in the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. What difference does it make?”
53It made so much difference, until Paul commanded a bunch of Baptists that they had to be rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ before the Holy Ghost would ever come on them, and also caused that apostle to scream out and said, “If a angel comes from heaven and preaches anything else, let him be cursed.” Sure it makes a difference. Oh, my!
“There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost in these days. That was only for the apostles. It's passed. And such a thing as prophets? It's not even known of. Miracles? They're unscientific. Malachi 4? That was for another age. John 14:12? Oh, Jesus didn't really mean that. Luke 17:30? Oh, that was just a myth.” See? “It's misinterpreted. It wasn't in the original.” Such tommyrot, when God Almighty comes down in our midst and proves it. When He says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He proves that so. I don't care who says not about it; God interprets His own Word. He said He would do this thing in the last days: “There would be light in the evening time.” And there is light for the manifestation of the Son of God.
54The same sun that rises in the east is the same sun that sets in the west. The prophet said, “There'll be a day that couldn't be called day or night.” It's a dismal; the clouds is over the face of the sun. But said, “About evening time it shall come light again.” The same Son, He's Alpha and Omega. Same Son that rose in the east was predicted to rise in the west again in the last days just before the day was over. I don't know how they interpret it; God interprets His own Word. He proves it. This is the evening time.
It's sad, but she sure fell for it again. Christ's bride fell for it and took the intellectual knowledge of some seminary preacher instead of believing the pure, vindicated Word of God.
55Now, ministers out yonder in the land wherever you are, you might disagree with this; I'm not hurting you. I'm just ... I'm talking to my own group. I'm just trying to.... If you want to sit in, I'll sure be glad for you to hear it. And then you listen at it. But I'm just telling them what they have seen and showing it to them, God proving it that it's right. This is the hour. He don't need anybody to interpret it. Your worldly knowledge don't have anything.... You might have a B.A., D.D., A.D., or whatever it might be; it don't mean one thing. God interprets His Word Himself. He promised it, and here it is.
But by the knowledge of seminary, denominational preaching, has caused the whole world to wonder after the beast whose deadly wound was healed from pagan to papal. See where she's heading up? She believes it. She believes the knowledge that he tells her.
56Now watch! It is that both engaged brides believe Satan's knowledge against God's Word. The bride of Adam believed Satan's knowledge against God's Word, and the bride of Christ has believed Satan's knowledge in this intellectual evil age against God's Word. And notice, Eve in the natural that believed it and plunged the whole human race to death. The natural bride.... Adam the natural man of the earth, his bride, before he got to her to be wife, plunged the whole human race into death. Whether it's scientific or not, we die just the same, because God said we would. Whether you're in holy Eden, or holy church, or holy denomination, or whatever it might be, you'll die the day you disbelieve one word of God's Word to be the truth when it's vindicated and proved to you. That's the day you separate yourself from God. Not just the whole sentence: one word. Whosoever shall add one word or take one away, that's the day you die.
57Notice. Adam's bride caused natural death to her race, the human race, and the second Adam's bride, Christ's engaged bride, has plunged the whole church to a denominational death, to take the mark of the beast by the scientific, intellectual, big denominations. “We're Baptists,” “We're Presbyterian.” “We're Pentecostals,” and so forth. “We got this, and we own more property. We're noted by the government, we're all around the world,” and all such things. “And the best of the.... The mayor of the city and so forth comes to us.” Even, “The President comes to have mass said with us, and comes to this, that, or the other.” The whole world has been plunged to a spiritual, denominational death, the whole church. She's dead!
You say, “You're covering a lot of territory.”
Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man. In the days of Lot where three was brought out of Sodom, at that day....” Now, there's already a group already out, remember, but as it was then when the Son of man will be manifested. Look what it.... Look where we're living.
58Now, she has caused the whole world to accept the scientific leadership of the educational program that Satan has given to her under the name of a church—the leadership of a educational, scientific program. I'm picturing to you the god of this world. When she, as Eve, had the very filling of God's Word in her hand.... She could've took God's Word, but what did she do to that? Instead of tarrying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, let science prove to her that the Holy Ghost was only for the disciples. Instead of keeping divine healing going, when she ought to be now raising the dead and doing great miracles, she's let Satan under his leadership of religious men take the Word of God and try to say that it was for another age. And she's believed it.59When the Bible said, “The things that I do, shall you do also,” Jesus said that ... “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” We're still creatures. “These signs shall follow every one of them that believe.” She denies every bit of it.
She denies all the supernatural, as she's swapped it for his intellectual conception of the Bible, where priests, and holy father, so-called, where bishops, archbishops, where district presbyters, general overseers, and so forth, has put their own interpretation to it. And God has let them sit there dead as twelve o'clock. And the only thing that's left in the last days is a bunch of little Pentecostals with a bunch of music whooped up as hard as they can, running up and down the floors, speaking in tongues, and shouting, and having a form of godliness but denying the Word thereof. Tell them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, they laugh in your face. But God goes right on making it so just the same, proving His Word to be so.
60Notice. The tree that Satan caused Eve to partake of was the tree of good and evil. It was a mixed tree. Now, look at the day we're living in. When he's calling out a bride, he's got a church that claims to be doing good when it's evil by denying the Word. A mixed tree. Oh, say, “They have great societies. They help this. And the Red Cross endorses it, and all the schools, they....” Looky here! Oh, but just deny one word; that's all you have to do to die, no matter how intellectual, how good it is. Jesus said, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” One spot of leaven ruins the lump. One word of God displaced spoils the whole picture. What about my arm being where my foot should be, see? What if my ear was down here where my hand should be? A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
Say, “How do you know it's right?” God proves it right. He vindicates it. He said it here in the Word, then He proves it. That's how we know it's right or not. Just deny one word is all it takes to die. It brought the same results in this evil age, spiritual death, as it did physical death to the whole human race.
61Notice how Satan got that scientific age back there of Noah's to lean upon their own understanding. The Bible tells us in Proverbs, “Lean not to our own understanding.” And, “Let every man's word be a lie, and God's be true.” But Satan by his knowledge from beginning at the garden of Eden, got the people to lean upon their own understanding. And you know, through his great Max Factor's works that he had back there, he got women so fair that it caused the son of man ... the sons of God, rather, to fall to sin and marry them. Women was so fair, so pretty.
Now you take an ordinary woman on the street today. A lot of you has read the story; you never heard it, 'cause before my day. Pearl O'Brien, how many ever heard of her? Sure, she was supposed to be the world's most beautiful woman. Why there ain't a school kid that goes in the schoolhouse today but what's twice as pretty as she was. Why is it? The beauty of women is to happen in the last days. They've cut their hair. They put them in little girl's dresses. They put shorts, and bikinis, and ever what you call, on them. They put paint, and rouge, and all these kind of things, to make them something that they're not, see. But through scientific knowledge, they've been able to achieve this. Do you know there's more spent for cosmetics for women than there is, in the United States, twice or three times as much, as spent for food to live on? Prove that (that's right), for cosmetics.
62Notice the sons of God saw the daughters of men—not daughters of God; the daughters of men—that they were beautiful. And it caused the sons of God to fall into this delusion, and took them kind of women and married them. And it brought a age of prostitution, just like it is today, like it was in Sodom, like it's predicted to be today, that when men and women of this day swap wives. If they don't like this wife, they go over to Reno, Nevada, and get married and get a ... divorce that one and marry again in fifteen minutes. And women so pretty that they're almost irresistible. And what is it? The devil! See, Satan's still in beauty!
Notice, notice. That sin was never forgiven them. That pretty, scientific age was the very evil age that God destroyed off of the face of the earth, that pretty scientific age. Jesus said it'll be that again just before the coming of the Son of man. That right?
Notice. Jesus said, “As it was in days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man.” When they all tried to marry.... Now watch. The sons of God married the pretty daughters of men, and God never did forgive them for it.

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