in gospel •  7 years ago 

Jesus walking on water
This article is about the Christian miracle. For other uses, see Walk on Water.

Jesus walks on water, by Ivan Aivazovsky (1888)
Jesus walking on water is one of the miracles of Jesus recounted in the New Testament. There are accounts of this event in three of the Gospels.

This story, following the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, tells how Jesus sent the disciples by ship back to the "other side" of the Sea of Galilee (the eastern side) while he remained behind, alone, to pray. Night fell and the sea arose as the ship became caught in a wind storm. After rowing against the wind most of the night, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea. They were frightened, thinking they were seeing a spirit, but when Jesus told them not to be afraid, they were reassured. After Jesus entered the ship, the wind ceased, and they arrived at land.

According to the version in the Gospel of Matthew, Peter walked on the water towards Jesus, but he became afraid and began to sink, so Jesus rescued him.

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What a wonder working God!!!

The lord is great