Do we really need gossips? Well, there are many people who feel that they do. There are also many who do not. I have to admit that for me personally, I don't need any of them at all. Why?
Well, for one thing I do not feel it is important to gossips about another person. In fact, I see it as an invasion of privacy. I have nothing against gossips but if someone wishes to gossip about me or the things that I am involved with, then I would be fine with that. Personally, I don't like it when people use my name or anything close to it to defame me in some way. I am tired of it!
I also don't like gossips because they are only sharing half of the story. They are merely passing along something that another person did. If it was me gossiping, I can assure you that I will never pass that information around. But what about the other person who shared it and perhaps made it their own?
Do you feel that you should hold on to what you know? Well, if you feel that you are being cheated on or feel like you are having your cake and eating it too, then you should be able to hold on to those gossips. You shouldn't have to share them with anyone unless you want to. I'm a firm believer that people should be allowed to know the full story before making decisions about others.
Are gossips good for business? Well, think about it. If you have something that people really want to hear about, why not share it with them? The more people know about you, the better chance you have of selling them something.
As you can see, the answer is no. Do we really need gossips? No, we do not. Let's keep the gossips between ourselves.
A little thing about gossips. There is a saying that goes, "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." This is a wise piece of advice. Don't give in to gossip. It only tends to make matters worse.
Now you might be saying to yourself, if everyone was like me, wouldn't I be happy? I would. Why? Because you deserve to be happy, even if others don't.
I just want to let you know that there really is no such thing as gossipping. It is a social activity. It's a way to interact with people. In fact, the word gossiper actually is an old Latin word meaning gossip.