4 habits that are making you lazy in achieving your go plans.

in gossiping •  3 years ago 

Have you ever wonderd why you are not achieving most things you know certain about? could you think there are evil charms to it? well who knows? here am going to discuss some of these things to you if you find it to be true in this article summary i sugest you to always try to change for new to come.
1] ...Forgetting about praying daily.
To justfy on this point am hapily to mention it in my four coded habits of this lesson as the most common to youths out their in this world. as i remember some months back i also felt this lazy atitude almost everyday as if am of my own but not. when its time to pray i could be sleep and always felt like leaving that place and do my own, but always failed.why? because my spirit was too weak to the call of my physical doing, remember all that we do outward starts within your spirit from God, as it says our bodies are temple of God. in general i would say many people wait untill are told to wakeup or show them who they are and what their purposes in life are. but thats not normall to live that way as a human being, remember to pray i repeat pray in all that you do put God first and you shall succeed in that which you love doing....i recommend you to read spiritual books as well to learn on how to meditate on the word and lessen your problems..God is calling you.
2]...Group association in calamity.
Many of us have friends and these freinds are ancountable to some, only the good atitude can elabollate the two finction between a major organ.what i mean here is' those who come to us to be part of our lives mostly are not their to praise us but to wait when we can collapse or fail so they lauhg! and the same people we move around with are tonnishing our reputation when not with them.
if i look at freindship at old not similar when i was younger. hence the right concience will tell whose real or fake. childhood freinds are always good, not all but one as your best freind,he knows you since childhood,always been together at church, shared some food together,slept at their place when you where once chased at yours. in difficulties, we check out who to be with and once we find who helped us the most are one of our real freinds i suggest...
3]...You are been stingy.
As it is said give and you shall also be given. to most of people feel bad to just help others, see how evil plays in our lives. we should not give so to be praised or glorified as way of making our names popular no! it is our duty ordained by God, for you can not pass a poor man begging you a little of what you have and say''he is too dirty to go near him what if i get sick? a willing, kindhearted child of God can never pour out such in their mouths. jesus also talked on giving as we read in the book of john and luke, he promised and we see fufilments, how about you who help these people how much will you be helped by the father in heaven..?we should should avoid been stingy and always hoping ours are good not of others, God will surely punish us for it.
4]...Avoid gospping on others ways of living.
The world is big said my grand maa,may her soul rest in peace. she always ephasised me to always mind my own when i was young, she once said do learn only on what you love doing and grow with it and sure or i do is writting contents like this, teaching people out there to be matured as they are searching for mentors in different ways. i always minded my own to be who iam to day, talking bad about people you dont really know well is like wasting time admiring things you cant buy in town while busy touching it.
its an osmoric bad energy to say bad on people of God even though we know they did wrong better we reach to them so thy could hear us on that problem we see in them as a child of God,,,..am well pleased to here your contribution on what i have proclaimed in this, we all together in love of God thank you very much guys for your owsome understanding..

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