Before we all start to march in action?
Today we will be looking at an interesting scenario.
Meet Marina Batina. Marina, 29, came to the United States from Russia to the District of Columbia under a student visa. Where she enrolled and attended university.
On July 15, 2018 Marina was arrested and charged with conspiracy (18 USC 371 and 951) due to here presence in the US to conduct official business, nonetheless the DOJ didnt know she was here and threw a tantrum to lock her up.
Where it gets interesting
The crimes cited in the complaint (available through the DOJ ) states that she was in contact with two people here in United States. One was a high profile political figure. Well the political figure helps Matina, organize dinner and dialogue with *** our politicians and NRA***, this must be so embarassing for legislator as its a bipartisan fiasco.
How embarassing is it?
So embarassing leaders of both sides, form a resolution to save their asses. Both Schumer and McConnell betrayed the citizens of this nation, along with the individuals theyre trying to protect in this crime.
Today res 604 denies the justice and judicial systems of production of documents. Shielding the dirty politicians from public scrutiny among other consequences.
As initially asked how corrupt does it have to get, before people start acting?
Why is it always permissable for legislator to obstruct justice?
Is it really because of the anti-accountability act they wrote for themselves? You be the judge.