Kids are banned from pocket knives now. This is stupid, and damages our children, by making them tool ignorant!

in government-overreach •  6 years ago  (edited)

I was stunned Monday when I was at the store. I was picking up some things, and I had forgotten my pocke knife, so I grabbed a knife at the store (so I didn't have to run back home). When I was checking out, the knife beeped and the clerk had to clear the register. I asked why, and he said it was because you had to be 18 to buy a pocket knife! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? 18 to buy a knife? I bought my first knife when I was ten year old! I have carried a knife, as the tool that it is, every since then!

Besides, just because I have a white beard and hair, doesn't mean he should not card me, ROFLOL; I might be eighteen!

But seriously folks; when did this happen, and what Idiot thought it was a good idea? Kids do NOT learn the proper use of tools, if they are banned from owning said tool! Are we trying to raise a bunch of useless, helpless, shadows of people? SHOW THEM THE CORRECT USE OF EVERY TOOL! I gave both my kids a bolt action rifle when they turned seven, and showed them the right way to use it. We never had an accidental discharge, and they are excellent shots today. This is how you make kids safe with tools, train them in the proper use of that tool! My son is CLEET trained, and My Daughter is CC; which means both are very safe!

Did I get cut when I got the first knife? Yes I did, and I learned how to avoid repeating that mistake. My Father showed me how to use the knife, and how to care for it. I have spent many a fun hour building models from wood using only a pochet knife. These nanny state Idiots have now stolen these cherished hours from our children! For what gain I wonder? This is intrinsically wrong, and they have NO RIGHT to limit a parent's choices on how to raise their children.

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The governments are trying to take over raising our children. I think it is worse now than when I was raising my four boys. The grandchildren are being tethered tighter all the time with rules and regulations that governments try to enforce stiffling their independance.

I have had enough. I will donate to, and support directly any politicians that opposes this feces!
May soon be time soon, for a 1776 reset.... :(

I made it! I agree with ya'll about the over-reach of government. Hey they gotta do something
to justify themselves being there so they pass laws and regulations and taxes. what else are they going to do? Eventually the masses will wake up, let's just pray that it isn't too late when they do.

Yes, it will get nasty when it finally breaks!

There is no end of the liberal insanity. Will they ban rocks and sticks next?

Upvoted...also told Janton to follow, and I think he has...We patriots need to network...

Good article and well written as always, Mr. Smith.

Thanks, sometimes the liberal insanity crashes down upon me, and I just have to vent! :(

Got a link to Janton, so I can follow him too?

Sure thing, good buddy:

Thanks, followed him! :)


My 3 older boys all carry pockets knives and lighters (as tools). When I was growing up, kids had rifles, B.B. guns, slingshots and knives. Society is really going downhill :(

I never let them have bb guns or paintball guns, but I had them keep the rifle in their rooms. Taught them to be responsible and safe. They still are, LOL! :)