Government & Modern Life Advancement verses GOVERNMENT & Mondernday Human SlaverysteemCreated with Sketch.

in government •  7 years ago 

i have been told by people due to my conspiratorial political ranting, diatribes against GOVERNMENT "You're an anarchist", not really, maybe an anarchist against THIS CURRENT SYSTEM, but not overall. i actually don't always mind the infrastructure of government, or i should say that i wouldn't mind the infrastructure of government/GOVERNMENT today if it wasn't run by evil fucks but by we the people instead, but is run by evil fucks. Modern Life Advancement was suppose to be the manifestations of Nikola Tesla , Royal Raymond Rife, Willhelm Reich, Enstine Scientists, the good things John F Kennedy wanted, Martlin Luther King , Doctor Bob Beck, Gene Roddenberry and so on, even visions from comedians and satirists like Bill Hicks and George Carlin.

But i guess we would rather have Satanic Evil fucks and literal Demon Hellspawns who abduct, torture , rape , and traffic children, and offer them under as a holocaust to Moloch run the world stage. Let's not forget jobs, taxes and fiat DEBT based CURRENCY we falsely call "Money", a modern day world of Human Slavery. Let's not forget about the 20th Century which brought great things such as , War, Mass Mind Control, Mass Enviormental Poisoning, and LEGALIZED murder under the guise of Modernized Western Medical Advancement. We're not Babylon, Archon, Annunaki Slave gold miners anymore, let's start walking and talking like it.

You'll tell me "these are the rules", "that's the way it is" "you're wrong, and talking crazy" when i explain THE LEGAL DECEPTION and what they consider "Criminal Actions" verses what is actually unlawful criminal action and intent. You're unfortunately right, that is the way it currently is, but that is not the way it should be. Fuck your compliant mind, i am changing it from the wayit is to the way it should be.

Do we need GOVERNMENT? No. Do we need government beyond self suffiency and governing yourself? i doubt it. i most certainly do not like BIG GOVERNMENT like what we see out of WASHINGTON. i could get behind Miniarchy, Volunterism , County Sheriffs and Militas under the County Sheriff, and Common Law Courts. No more no less.

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