To assist Rohingya Muslims, the government opened an account of Bank Aceh Number 5001996500018.
"Yes, this account number is opened to receive donations in the framework of raising funds for Muslims who are experiencing the tragedy of Rohingya humanitarian in Myanmar," said Head of Public Relations, Taufik SSiT MSi Setdakota Banda Aceh, Wednesday (13/09/2017).
Taufik said, for city residents and apparatus Pemko Banda Aceh donating aid for Moslem Rohingya can transfer it.
"Or may also be handed over to Section Privileges and Welfare Setdakota Banda Aceh to then submitted to the Action Fast Action (ACT) Rohingya care," added Taufik.
Earlier, the Mayor of Banda Aceh met Senior Vice President of ACT Indonesia to discuss the Rohingya conflict to evacuate.
Rohingya Muslims today are in desperate need of help both in the form of food, medicine and clothing.
In this meeting, the Mayor asked residents and city officials to donate their aid to the Muslim brother of Rohingya.