The governor of NJ is on vacation and the lieutenant governor, who had been acting governor, has died.

in government •  last year 


The next person in line of suggestion is the president of the senate.

Is this person still concurrently President of the NJ Senate? This poses a conflict of interest.

I remember that interesting episode of The West Wing where the Speaker of the House had to resign as both speaker and a member of congress upon becoming acting POTUS.

A solution could be worked out whereby that person is later elected to Speaker without being a member or is appointed to the House by their state’s procedure, but it does raise a question of whether the Speaker may elect to decline the executive service and pass it down. (As I assume would happen automatically if they are unqualified to serve.)

I wonder what’s the deepest in line any elected government has ever gone.

It’s probably something awful like the Hiroshima city counsel. But I wonder if there are any innocuous stories of a deep line, like people being locked out of a building or something.

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