How To Beat A Manipulator

in government •  6 years ago  (edited)

I've been busy working through some of my own stuff lately, while marveling at how closely my personal journey has been mirrored in the larger world. I wrote out the following as a personal exercise while meditating on all the similarities between abusive personal relationships with manipulators and our relationship as a species with the sociopathic plutocrats who rule us. I got a lot out of writing it, and it came out relatively readable, so I figured I'd publish it as-is in case anyone else finds it useful too. Here ya go!


Humans are hackable. Ask any conman. Our desire to think we have control over our lives often hides this from ourselves, but most of us are highly suggestible and hypnotizable. If you think you're not, you're in more danger of being hacked than someone who has humbled themselves enough to see how this works in them.

There's no need to be ashamed of being conned. Realizing that you've been, or are being, conned will naturally bring up feelings of embarrassment, but it's never your fault that someone's taken you for a ride. Get clear: conning someone is the crime; being conned is being a victim of that crime. That's how the law sees it in fraud cases. Manipulators would love you to think that it's your fault for allowing yourself to be manipulated, but that's just another manipulation isn't it?

Manipulators use one of our most astounding, useful, and beautiful human characteristics when they con us -- empathy. Our innately trusting nature is the reason why we've been able to collaborate on large scales to create and innovate in extraordinary ways unseen anywhere else in the animal kingdom. Because we learn by modeling, and we are shaped by the group we inhabit and our urge to create harmony will make life viscerally uncomfortable until we are back in alignment with our tribe. We are the peacemakers; we seek alignment, which is how we are paced by manipulators into aligning with their sick agendas. How gross is it then that our ability to empathize and relate to each other is one manipulators use to control us?

Because of the reach of mass media, every single one of us is in an abusive relationship with plutocratic manipulators. Many of us are in personal relationships with manipulators too. Conveniently, the strategies for dealing with sociopathic manipulators are the exact same, from plutocrats to your live-in partner.

1. Get Clear On Your Own Will

You are easy prey if you don't know what you want and you leave it up to others to decide for you. If you don't have a sense of who you are and what you stand for, anyone can come in and co-opt that for their own sick agendas. Sit down, get quiet, and make an inventory of who you are and what you need. Don't be squeamish about adding things that you don't have yet. That's the point. Make a list of what you need not just to survive, but to thrive. Apply the live-and-let-live rule to every one of your wants, and if you're confident that nothing you want will hurt or interfere in anyone else's will, then the list is good. You can stand by it unequivocally, and you should do so with as much strength and confidence as you can muster. Grow to its size and advocate loudly for it.

2. Watch Where All The Resources Are Going

How do you really know if you're being manipulated? Well, what manipulators understand that the rest of us don't is that there are real life resources like sex, money, work, gold, oil, land, water, food, people, air, etc; and there are good feelings. They will always try to get you to swap real things for good feelings. If you don't have empathy, you see the whole world in a completely different way. Most people are trying to get what they need without hurting anyone, because hurting someone hurts them too. Manipulators don't experience that, so they just get what they need by telling their victim that they'll hurt someone if they don't hand it over.

Zoom out and take an inventory of who's got all the stuff. Which way are the scales tipped? Good manipulators try to shift the ground underneath us to funnel the real wealth into their coffers, while placating us with good feelings about how blessed our hard work is and all that, and how selfish it would be to demand healthcare when there's people in Syria who need to be bombed for their freedom. Leave all that behind and zoom and out and see who's got all the stuff. Who has all the power, all the wealth, all the real stuff that you can really use in the real world, and who is barely existing but has hope for a better tomorrow?

Same in a marriage. Who has all the wealth, power, kudos, retirement savings, and who just has a story about what a good person they are? Religion has primed us for manipulation, and that was by design. Over millennia, we have been taught to value fealty, piety, hard work, submission, and to leave judgement and reward til after we die. This creates the perfect environment for manipulators who can see very clearly what the valuable real-world things are, and what are creations woven of fairytales. Work out what's real in the here and now, and see who is in control of what should be your stuff. Is it you? If it's not, you're being manipulated out of it.

3. Watch Actions, Not Their Words

Manipulators only have words. They can't just walk up to you and say "Give me your life savings," they have to weave a complex story that makes you feel like it's the right thing to do. A good conman will never ask for anything if they can get away with it. Ideally, they want you to make the offer. That's the best kind of con, the one where the victim thinks it was their idea in the first place. A great conman will have you begging him to take the thing that he wanted all along, so then he can even get your gratitude for it.

By zooming out and seeing what they're doing, rather than listening to what they're saying, you can get a much better idea of what's actually happening. If, for example, they're saying they support single-payer healthcare while voting against it, sabotaging any efforts in any direction, taking money from donors who oppose it, and generally running interference on it, then those actions tell the real story. If the offer is not what you asked for but you are so desperate, so far down the line with them, so invested, and so cut off from any alternate solutions that you'll take anything, then the con is complete.

Think about it from their point of view. Ideally, they want to be the ones you go to for the thing they don't want you to have. They want to be the ones you place your hope and energy with so you don't go to someone who will actually help them, but they also need to string you along for as long as possible, doing as little as possible, while taking as much energy as they can from you without arousing suspicion. They sing the song of inertia, of incrementalism, of "Not now, but soon." That's how they keep you trapped. If you zoom out and watch what they're actually doing, rather than what they're saying, you will know when it's time to say bye Felicia and seek out an actual solution.

4. Don’t Try To Out-Manipulate Them

Once you've figured out you're being manipulated, the knee-jerk reaction is to try and manipulate them back. Dude. Don't even. Do you know how beautiful and precious you are to even think that that's possible? These people have had no empathy for all their lives, and without all that emotional noise clouding their decisions, they have been playing every single person in their life like a game of chess. They are masters. They are five moves ahead of you already, and you're just learning what a rook is. They have a whole lifetime of manipulating under their belt, and you are a total noob. You will lose that game. Don't play it.

Instead, go with your strengths. Demand what you want and stick to that, loudly and unapologetically. Keep asking for what you want in the most direct way possible. Remember, a manipulator aims to take your will from you. Take it back. Many of us have been so manipulated for so long, we don't even know what we want anymore. Make your inventory, keep it simple, keep it to what you know you need to thrive, and then plant your feet and demand it.

Meanwhile, keep pointing out the weird things they do to try and avoid giving you what they said they would. Shout it from the rooftops when they do something sly. They've used your politeness and goodwill to hide their little indiscretions. Don't let them anymore. If they're being creepy, say it. Don't be manipulated into tacit consent by your politeness.

Keep telling the truth to yourself at least, even when it doesn't tally with your worldview. Remain as intellectually honest with yourself as possible about what the knowable facts are, and what is conjecture or wishful thinking. Verify everything as much as you can so you know you're standing on solid, factual ground. Manipulators love to keep people as confused as possible. Get as many quantifiable, verified, real-world facts as you can underneath you and build your worldview on them. And when you're sure of yourself, say it like it's true, because you know it is. Be unequivocal with the things you know. When you're sure, don't let anyone get in any wriggle room. Approach your private research with curiosity, objectivity and a light hand, but once the work is done, plant your feet in its truth and don't let them be uprooted.

And lastly, don't play by the rules, play by what is right. Manipulators love rules because they love to strategize about how to bend them, and how to bend you with them. Think of the worst kind of lawyers and you'll know exactly what I mean. If you're a deeply good person like you know you are, and you are always trying to point yourself at the highest interest, you know deep down if you're doing the right thing. Trust your guts and forge ahead. Keep doing the right thing, even if it breaks a rule.

5. Apply The Manipulator's Rules In Reverse

There's someone in psychology called "projection", and anyone who has done a good deal of inner work will tell you that it's a handy self-enquiry tool to see if what you hate in others, you can find in yourself. In order not to deal with our guilt, we tend to project the things we don't like on to other people to hide the shame of it from ourselves. Bringing it out into the light can often result in some healthy forgiveness of both ourselves and our perception of others.

That's great, but what the sages neglect to tell you is that people are also projecting all the time on to you. If you're suggestible and good-hearted enough to not want to harm anyone, you can take everyone's projections on to you as truth without even realizing it. Unless you develop a strong, conscious, healthy sense of who you are as a person, you can be gaslit into thinking that you're any amount of the horrible things people project on to you, and that can easily grind you to a confused and babbling halt. Again, take an inventory of who you are and what you want, and grow in size until you can stand in that truth and defend it. Find your will and take it back.

Manipulators particularly use projection as a tactic to hide what they're doing to you in plain sight. A manipulator can have you chasing your tail by simply suggesting that you or others are doing what you are seeing them doing with your own eyes. DNC caught rigging the election? Oh no, it was actually Russia who rigged the election by catching the DNC rigging the election. See what I did there? It's so dumb, but it works.

Here's the key: simply reverse the pronouns. When faced with a manipulator, everything he says about you, he is saying about himself, and everything he says about himself, is what he thinks of you. If he's telling you you're duplicitous and you're a liar and you're trying to take him for all he's got, he's actually saying he's duplicitous and he's a liar and he's trying to take you for all you've got. If you have good grounds to believe you are being manipulated by someone, reverse the pronouns in your mind and let them tell you who they are. It works from personal relationships right up to the grand manipulators employed by the plutocrats.


Bring as much awareness as possible to all the ways you're being manipulated, and all the ways you've been inadvertently manipulating. Make it as conscious in yourself as possible so we can all add to the sum of human knowledge as to how to transcend the manipulations. Once we draw back and fill out to our own individual sovereign boundaries, we will be able to trust ourselves to stand in our truth. We will also be able to see who we can trust so much more easily, and once you know you can trust someone, you can collaborate with them. These newly-conscious and divine collaborations will create the very things we need to solve the real world problems we face as a species and take the will of the planet from the sociopaths and return it to the will of the people.

And that's really all it will take. A tipping point of un-manipulatable and awake people collaborating to create new systems that will surpass the old is all it will take to wrest power from the manipulators who only have the old Biblical tools of fear, guilt and shame to work with. This is doable, and it only needs you.

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I don't know how you do it but you do. Pretty much every day putting out something new, well written and thought-provoking, and this one came from a personal exercise you did for fun !!!!

While there are people like you out there slowly chipping away at the lies and illusion, perhaps we just might make it through the other side to a better world !!

Great work

"Watch Actions, Not Their Words". This is highly important. Words are cheap and many are not afraid to abuse them to get support * cough * the democratic party. All words with no or contradictory actions

holy cow i can so very relate to this. <3

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Well said. You left out the tears, but they are between the lines. The best con men/ladies see you first and can adjust instantly in any direction, like dragonflies. I used to think that I had the quickest draw in the West. Until I got shot down a few times. The experience is a bit like the boxers' line: you don't see the one that gets you. I have the faintest bit of admiration for their skill, but, people out there: listen to Caitlin! Don't play their game! The only defense that works is to get away and stay away!

You have successfully manipulated me into replying and upvoting this post @ 100%.

Saw you on Tyler Durden's site.

This is just absolutely what I needed to read tonight. Thank you so much.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very well thought out and articulate. I don't resteem much but you win the golden star.

There's someone in psychology called "projection", and anyone who...

[someone] = [something]

I wonder what all the exploiters will do when the empathetic come to consensus to cut them out. Cooperation trumps competition.

This is brilliant caitlin! Regrettably, most of us are like a deer in headlights and never see it coming. I can certainly testify to being blindsided...
I've been saying for a long time that evil has good at an extreme disadvantage because evil doesn't hesitate to use violence to achieve its ends whereas most of us simply want to get by and be decent human beings.
We'll probably part ways though on metaphysics as I'm convinced (as speculation) that the worst offenders here are not human in the biological sense. See HBO's WestWorld to get a hint of what may be going on.

There's a lot to consider when dealing with manipulators, especially in a capitalism society.