Education, Not Legislation

in government •  8 years ago 

Over my relatively short time being on this planet I've heard many times "They should make a law for that." whether the topic was speed limits, energy consumption or a nationwide trend that conflicted with someone's moral code. And, if it were a large enough issue with enough people backing it (or money), there became a law. If the state needed more money because it was spending too much on toilet seats, entitlements, or perhaps it's bidders vacations that people like us will never go on, they made a law to create a new tax or raise current ones. If there was an herb that people knew very little of, but were fearful of due to there ignorance of it, the DEA scheduled it. If people were fearful of fire arms, they'd pass restrictions on them to control who could have them, how they could have them, and where they could have them and when they could have them. When the media pushed fear of terrorists they would pass law after law,with the people willingly giving away their freedoms for their safety. No Fly Lists, for example, that have absolutely no criterion, aside from that of the government thinking you're a danger to fly, which is now being discussed as criteria for whether you are permitted to buy or own a fire arm. Which is extremely vague and very open to interpretation manipulation by the powers that be. And sometimes these laws that are made affect only us and not the people that make them, like HIPPA for example. Every citizen of the U.S. must follow the regulations set by HIPPA, except federal officials. We are subject to severe punishment that they are not. The same thing goes for many taxes. And the wall. Of course the border wall, passed into law with funds set aside and our President simply ignored it with no reprimandation what so ever. He ignored a federal law, whether you agree with it or not, and got off with not a dime or minute to pay. All these laws do is create another potential source of revinue for our overly bearing government. I say "potential revenue" because they only follow these laws or prosecute individuals who don't when it suits them. when it doesn't the powers that be always find a way around them, write a clause that exempts them, or just strait up ignore it and have their buddies in the DA refuse to see a case or any evidence to support it. So why don't we take this source of revenue away, eliminate the possibility of having any more career politicians and stop making law after law after law and makes it impossible for an every day Joe to not be a felon without even realizing it on a daily basis. Instead, lets improve public schools and actually educate people (as to how we do that is an issue for another article). Lets start teaching moral values again like the Non-Aggresion Principal and the ends don't justify the means (because no cause is too great to trample on others rights), and stop teaching moral relativism. Let's start educating and stop legislating. Education, not Legislation.

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Not disagreeing in principle. Just pointing out that culture-wide education takes a long time. Darwin wrote The Origin of Species over 150 years ago, and we're still arguing about that.

Fair, and I see you point. But, then all the more reason to start now and not wait any longer. Thanks for reading plotbot

Instead of saying "There should be a law", we should ask "Is it ok for me to initiate violence against somebody for doing this activity?" That is what the law is, and what law enforcement is backed with: Violence.

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