Great idea Cronius. I'm with you all the way. As you probably know I have spend some time trying to come up with a system of transition and doing it without violence. My opinion is that as long as government maintains it's role as the final arbiter is suites of justice, the people will always remain subservient to their often times corrupt decision. If you will note throughout history, when it comes to taxes and confiscatory activities, the Judges always seem to rule in the governments favor, despite how clearly delineated the right(s) was noted in our Constitution. An example; just how many guns have been confiscated by the police despite the clearly worded 2nd amendment. The list of other examples would be to long to list here.
So how do we get public sentiment on the side of the majority, to no longer accept the corrupt decisions of our alleged "Supreme Court". By creating a privately managed Supreme Court Review Board that will "undoubtedly" write better and more just decisions.
There is not better way to prove private enterprise works better than government, they to show an actually working model/system. A private court system. We will need one anyways so we might as well get started before some attorney(s) end up being involved, Lol. I've written a number of my ideas down on Repairing The Scales of Justice. Obviously such a system is not set in stone nor is it completed. More like a detailed outline for participants to continue development.
It all centers around people representing others, not through some government controlled voting system, but through local individuals using affidavits to nominate those they want representing them on the Supreme Court Review Board. I've been thinking of around 30 to 50 people being the required number of affidavits to become a SCRB member. This allows for less knowledgeable people to nominate more knowledgeable to the SCRB. Has not that always been one of the fears of a direct democracy. A poorly informed electorate, as we have now. Of course, a person can withdraw their support of their nominee at any time, thus requiring the ex-SCRB member to seek another individual to maintain his active status. The ultimate form of term limits.
For each legal case, a computer would randomly select the desired number of SCRB members that would be reviewing the case. Remember, we're talking about a system of transition. The government SCOTUS is obviously still in place. The function of the SCRB is to make them look like the corrupt moronic despots they are.
As an example, the case "We The People vs United Stated" where the Supreme Court refused to hear the 1st Amendment Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances in early 2008. We could both publish the proper decisions for the case but also what Judges were in on the corruption at the lower levels, showing just how poor written and illogical their decisions were.
Like Bob's Idea, the real fight is in the courtroom of public opinion. I am willing to remove it from my website and place it elsewhere if necessary.