The Education System Exposed

in government •  8 years ago 


It was a long time ago, but I still remember my school years as if it was yesterday. The trauma and torture I had to endure in the Government school system just left a permanent scar on me for life, it can't be undone. But the only thing I can do is just to expose the brutality and immorality that is the public school system.

It was 20-30 years ago since I was a kid and I don't know how much of it has changed since then, maybe it was just a cosmetic change, like for example physical violence was still used back in the 80's, as in teachers beating kids, maybe it has been banned in schools since then, it could still happen though, however it doesn't matter.

It's like decorating a Concentration Camp with flowers, it doesn't matter if you change the outlook, it is still a Concentration Camp. And a Government school is literally a concentration camp for kids.

Kids are prisoners in schools. It is a juvenile prison system to brainwash the next generation of slaves into apathy and obedience. You are literally forced to go to school, because if you don't, then you are forcibly taken away from your parents, they get thrown into a rapecamp (prison) for not obeying the Government, and you get thrown into a pedophile-camp (orphanage).

So beneath the kindness and smile of your average teacher, lies an unimaginable world of tyranny, that has to be exposed for what it is.

You can't even blame the youth for being hedonistic party-freaks. This is the symptom of tyranny, the kids just want to break free from it. So yes they will do drugs, they will drink, they will get pregnant at 13 and they will be totally disobedient to their parents, simple because this is the natural response to the tyranny they suffer inside the prison school system, can you blame them?

So if you don't like this hedonist youth culture, maybe you should look at the roots of it and see what causes it: The Government.

My Youth

Good Part

I have had a pretty decent family. My father was not a bossy type, I never got "disciplined", I could criticize him for many things, but he was never aggressive towards me, neither towards my brother. My mother was a very kind and understanding mother. So my parents were pretty decent. Also I never had any issue with my brother, who is older than me, other than we had some short term conflicts, but no longterm grudge.

I have also never been bullied by classmates, nor have I seen any bullying between my classmates. There were a few pranks, like how kids make some fun, but nothing humiliating. There was a situation on an April 1st that I remember when they pranked a guy, but it was totally friendly, and they totally made up afterwards, they shook hands after, and nobody was humiliated. So luckily I grew up between very friendly kids and a decent family.

However the teachers, they were literally monsters. What good I experienced from fellow kids, was quickly overshadowed by the abuse and humiliation I have experienced from the Government teachers.

Bad Part

Situation 1

When I was 7 or 8, I believe we played with the ball outside and we didn't heard the bell, so we were late on class like 10 minutes. The teacher (woman) came out grabbed our ears and dragged us back by our ears into the class and then she repeatedly hit our fingers with a ruler. Then she made us kneel in the corner for the entire class, where she intentionally put small stones so that our knee would hurt after kneeling there 30 minutes.

It was 30 years ago but I still remember this event as if it was yesterday. I will never forget nor forgive this humiliation and torture that this scum bitch did to us. Just 3 innocent kids, being late 10 minutes because we enjoyed playing with the ball, being tortured and humiliated as a result.

She should have been hanged for this, but she is probably still alive enjoying here golden age with a fat Government pension.

Situation 2

When I was 12 or 13, this didn't happened to me, it happened to my classmate. I don't quite remember why but the teacher, a male teacher this time, had an argument with one of my classmate. They argued about something, and the teacher just told the kid to shut up, but he kept insisting about arguing with him.

So the teacher went there, grabbed his neck, and punched the kid in the face. So here we are, a poor classmate of mine, trying to argue with a hotheaded barbarian teacher, he gets punched in the face, his face turned red. And then the teacher calmed down and continued the lecture as if nothing has happened.

I guess it was no big deal for him, just hurting and innocent kid for daring to argue with him. Yep, that teacher didn't even realized what he did. Just 0 empathy, and he never apologized, nor he got into trouble for it.

In fact there were cases, not in my class but in other classes, where the kids hit the teacher for some reason, and the police came and arrested the kid not the teacher, meanwhile totally ignoring what happened in our class. I guess we were just too afraid to call the cops on him, but we already know which side the FASCIST police takes in this kind of incidents.

Situation 3

There was another situation, where we probably had a pedophile teacher. This middle aged teacher that on one occasion groped one of our classmates in his ass. Yes this middle aged ~50 year old male teacher groped a 14 year old boy in front of the entire class. It's clearly pedophilia, but he got away with it, because we were all scared of doing anything about it.

He also looked very bizzarely at boys, so there was a high probability that he was a pedophile. This was 20 years ago, and he got away with it. Even if we had called the police on him, there was no evidence, the police always takes the side of the teacher, and he would have probably got a 1 week paid leave, and then back into business as usual, however who knows what he had done if he would have been angered by us. Totally disgusting.


So this was my school experience: pedophile teachers, torturers, psychotic mad people abusing their power as usual. And this just happened 20-30 years ago. And there were many more incidents like this.

I literally felt like I was in a Nazi Concentration Camp. And this didn't happened 70 years ago, but only 20 years ago. The same authoritarian scum as the Nazis were, just a lower dose of it.

This dose of suffering and torture that I was subjected to in my childhood made me permanently hate the Government for what it is. Yes being punched in the face is no big deal as an adult, it was not about the physical pain, but it was about the abuse and the humiliation that you suffer as a child, from an abusive authority figure.

And then when I started studying the Holocaust I just realized how lucky I was. I got away with a few bruises and permanent psychological damage.

But imagine what those people went through who were constantly literally been tortured in actual Nazi Concentration Camp. Kids in Nazi Concentration Camps didn't got away with a few bruises, the Nazis literally burned them alive.

This is the ultimate vicious evil that you can imagine, and it's the same thing at their roots, it's just a different dose of it. What I went through was the same kind of evil, but just a smaller dose of it, but what the victims of the Holocaust went through was just absolutely heinous and devastatingly sad.

Yet both of it came from the exact same thing: AUTHORITY. Being in a position of power and having 0 empathy for your fellow man. No empathy for children, no empathy for the weak and the sick, no empathy for the elderly. Just absolute barbarism, and atrocious thug behavior, the lowest of the lowest that a human can sink to.

And the worst is that it's still going on. Authority still exists, and people still abuse this, every single day, across the entire world. People still get beaten and shot by police, kids are still being abused somewhere in the world. It's just heinous, how evil the tyrants are.


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home school
if you decide to have kids..they are YOUR responsibility.
if you want a job done it yourself.
homeschool the little darlings..prepare them for the world.

I'm thinking about this more and more. I about to get married and who knows soon to have kids. I certainly don't want to subject my kids to this kind of torture that I went through.

You are literally forced to go to school, because if you don't, then you are forcibly taken away from your parents

I'm thinking about [homeschool] more and more.

So what you're saying is you like contradicting yourself? There are options, and you aren't forced to go to school?


What are you talking about, I was referring to alternative schooling. Unfortunately where I live it's illegal to homeschool.

But there are private schools or who knows I might even move elsewhere. See my comment below.

What are you talking about, I was referring to alternative schooling.

You replied to a post suggesting homeschooling saying you'd been thinking about it... your other comment hadn't been posted yet.

Your country is weird, but with private school that still means you have options.

So your original lead-in to the article is a false premise. You're not forced to go to public school and they are not prisons, bad experiences notwithstanding.

You misunderstood my post, when I said "i'm thinking about it" I wasn't referring to homeschooling, but to alternative methods how to raise my kids.

At this point I am still thinking. Homeschool is not an option. And it's not like me or my fiancee have the opportunity to teach the kids decently, so we need specialized teachers in each field.

But a private school at this point is acceptable, they have decent teachers there, and I'll only have my kids take the minimum school time required by law. Then I'll teach them to make some money.

My family certainly won't be a student-debt slave type of family. I want to provide my kids real career opportunity.

You're not forced to go to public school and they are not prisons

There were no private schools 30 years ago, atleast not in the nearby area. And you are still forced to go to school, it's just you can choose which one you go to. There is no option to skip school.

And you are still forced to go to school, it's just you can choose which one you go to.

Maybe because in reality we know it's better not to have an illiterate population.

In the past, if you were poor you basically learned what your parents knew. If you were born to a farmer, you were going to be a farmer unless you were lucky enough to find an apprenticeship... at which point you were just slave labor to some guy for years, and hopefully he taught you whatever craft you were apprenticed for.

You view school as prison/brainwashing but in reality it provides freedom poor people never had before public school. It gives everyone basic knowledge and introduces them to many subjects they otherwise might never discover. From there anyone can truly choose what they want to do, but the simple reality is that to do most things you do need to be capable of working in a corporation. To accomplish almost anything of significance you need teams of people. Elon Musk might be designing awesome electric cars, for instance, but he has teams and teams of engineers and scientists actually working on that.

You had some pretty bad teachers, but the funny thing is in my country you hear stories like that from Religious private schools rather than the secular public schools. (Hell, in the US public school teachers are practically banned from disciplining students at all anymore.)

So blaming government for that kind of behavior seems specious at best.

yup..I can relate...I've been thru it three times..
my son
my grandkids. grandkids were HOMESCHOOLED.

mighty fine...

The problem is that it's illegal to homeschool kids where I live.

However there are a few private schools nearby that I was thinking about. My neighbor sends his kids there and he told me that the teachers there are very friendly and civilized.

Looks like the psychopaths and monsters are just too scum to get hired in private schools, so they go into public schools with tenure.

then move.
how important are your (soon to be) kids?

I don't know where to move, the entire EU is a Nazi shit. The entire EU education system is modeled after Nazi principles:

The option that I have now is private schools. But I am still thinking about it.

sux to be you.
my ancestors figured that out a LONG Time ago.
they moved.

Yeah, I remember I was getting bullied and I fought back and almost got kicked out of school for defending myself... smh, manufacturing beta males.

Yep, I knew cases like that. If you get into a fight, both kids will get punished sometimes the cops will come. It doesn't matter who was the aggressor, you are just not allowed to defend yourself. Just learn to take it, and be abused, but you can't say a word about it, otherwise you will be the one who will be punished.

Typical Government behavior, nothing to be surprized about.

Right, total injustice. As if they were training us to be dependent on their "services" or something...

I don't think it's intentional. They are just doing this subconsciously. Every authority figure regards their subjects are their slaves, so there is nothing to be surprized at when they humiliate and abuse us. It's just their routine.

Right, as the alligator can't be blamed for eating the hare, because of its nature. If youre familiar with that allegory.

My bad, its the scorpion and the frog:

That's right, so it's the institutions that need to be dismantled. You can be mad at politician X or politician Y all day long, it doesn't help, it's just a charade.

What you really need to be mad at is the institutions themselves that they are serving. The pawns are not important.

Private schools are not necessarily as good as you have thought. Unschooling is another option. Kids are born to learn. They will absorb whatever from the environment. They don't have to learn from teachers, especially in current resource rich modern time.

I think they do, atleast the elementary school material is needed, learn to read write ,basic math and other things.

Sure there is a lot of bullshit in the curriculum, but it's not like we live in a perfect world. Logistically it would be better for my kids to just go through that, it's harder to organize private tutors to come home and teach them.

I would certainly not send them after the minimum required school levels, I think it's 8 , 10 or 12 years, I am not sure I havent looked it up yet. But I dont even have kids so its not that urgent.

However the private school that I have checked costs about 1000$-2000$ / semester, with pool and a big soccer field. I have already went there on a tour and turns out that the equipment is cutting edge with free WIFI, computers in class, touchscreen whiteboards ,you name it.

So it's a pretty modernized, high tech private school, and it's ultra cheap. I bet schools like these in the US would cost 50,000$ or more. So that is a pretty decent bargain.