A New Journey

in gracesheena •  2 years ago 

It has been more than a decade since I tried writing something, and today I decided to try it out and see if I still can write something than might pique someone's or anyone's interest. To start of let me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me. My mom calls me Grace and so are my siblings. Growing up our family's strict belief was one should graduate college and get a diploma to have a good life. Which I was not able to due to certain circumstances and choices that lead me to where I am right now. I am a Christian and my hobbies are reading, singing and watching movies. I joined Steemit to share my life experiences and to be able to express myself here. And also I am so much interested in learning new stuff and reading someone's post too. I am new here so I am hoping that I would be able to create new friends and learn a lot from those that are already Tenured here. Please bare with me as I am still trying to learn, and any help is appreciated too. I will be sharing my life experiences to express myself and hoping that someone might learn from it too. Who knows, maybe you will learn a thing or two : )

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Welcome to new coummity.

Upload your profile photo it would be really helpful

Thanks for the advice, I will do that

OK dear