I'm finishing this large uphill road

in graduated •  7 years ago  (edited)

Next week I will finish my practices in the Company I'm working right now...

I was working four months for free, not only for free it cost me money because like all we know the gasoline is not cheap... so I think that the practices are an abuse for the scholars, I know that the can't be paid as the professionals but when you are working every day 7 hours in one job, as much in a month you know what are you doing.
And literally working four months full-time for free, without having to give you a glass of water... In my opinion it is very sad and frustrating as a future professional.

Anyway I'm going a Little bit sad because I met nice people here, people that They are not valued enough, but in reality that happens in many companies, I will miss them because all the same It was be a grateful experience because I met this people and I learn things here.


Don't laught with my photo because I never know which face I make in this kind of pictures XD ant this one I think will be chase me for many years hahaha

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You made me laugh because it's a reality that nobody knows what should be your face in that kind of situation (I feel observed and I don't like it).

Let's laugh together with this little beauty from a couple years ago:

(Yep, I'm still a ratkid hahaha)

foto orla ferran.jpg

Agree with you 100% that's a shame to 'work for free' (literally).
I worked in a few hospitals and other clinical centers for nothing for 6 months.


HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH baja parell de guapos! XD

Es que es veritat, si m'afeito semblo un teenager en plena pubertat... Ho reconec, no tinc cap problema.

això es bo home!!! A tots us passa el mateix! jajajaj
Jo prefereixo ser pubber als 30 a semblar una SENYORA literalment cm algunes de la meva edat...

EN això filla, t'he de donar la raó :) n'hi ha gent que no li senten gaire bé els anys.

Hahaha! Millor no posso la meva 🤪


esteu els 2 molt wapos homahh... "quien los pillara"

tu que nos ves con buenos ojos... :P