Today, Gramatik, the artist best known for his dubstep/electro style music, has launched Gramatik Token (GRMTK) with Tokit and the launch song contained Satoshi Nakamoto lyrics.
Tokit allows creators to create their own tokenized ecosystem using SingularDTV’s decentralized entertainment economy.
To watch the live event check out this video by Omar at Crypt0news
In order to purchase Gramatik Token (GRMTK) and any upcoming creator tokens on Tokit head to <
Although, alike all cryptocurrencies they are limited so get them before they are gone.
As for trading, head to order to trade them on the SingularX exchange.
This is a start of a major trend in the coming years for artists and creators looking to tokenize their work and truly get the credit they deserve.
“On the blockchain trust is established not by powerful intermediaries like banks, governments, and technology companies but through mass collaboration and clever code. Blockchains ensure integrity and trust between strangers.” - Alex TapscottAnd the argument furthers that by tokenizing or at least putting music, art, and other creatives on the blockchain, the ability to track and help receive royalties and streaming payments, even in the fraction of micropayments, becomes not only possible but easy to implement.
The music industry is having a big revamp in cryptocurrency lately as musicians are finally trying to claim and show what is rightfully theirs on the blockchain network.
This story also comes after Bjork just released her newest album accepting Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash and Audiocoin as a form of payment and paving her way as a leader in the cryptocurrency community when it comes to music.
Thanks for reading,