This is a thing I am asking myself. I have just returned from a 10-minute walk, and during my little walk, I was thinking through the tasks that I should do today. I have already done a couple of them, but there are also quite a lot of open spots, meaning that I do not know precisely what I should do and how I should spend my day in the most efficient way. That might be a problem, primarily when you work as your own boss and you do not have anyone throwing tasks at you all day long.
Well, right now I am writing this article, then I will eat my breakfast while reading the Bible. After that, it is off to the postal office, then I am going for a run. And when I return, that is when I should do some efficient office work, write some splendid articles, answer emails, and keep up the good work.
Well, I just got a little bit disconnected, because I suddenly started to read about Grammarly and I wondered about whether or not it would be worth trying the Premium version again in order to make my writings better. Who knows? What do you think?
But, it isn't always as easy