Arctic Port Need Icebreakers in July & China Grabs the Indian Ocean

in grandsolarminimum •  7 years ago 

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While the world’s quietly been sleeping, China has been setting up what they call the “Maritime Silk Road”, otherwise known as a “China’s String of Pearls”. This stems from all the investment that they have in the Sudan and the Sahel, those areas of desert that are now becoming green, that the Chinese knew would start to see rainfall as a Grand Solar Minimum intensified.

Chinese investment is building rail lines out into what were the basins of old dried lakes called the mega lakes across the Sahel in North Africa. This is all for food delivery back to China as northern grain regions in the country go offline due to cold and drought.

They shouldn’t even name at the “String of Pearls”, they should name it the “String of Food Delivery”.

China just scored huge on a hundred-year lease in Sri Lanka, this will also allow China to counterbalance some of India’s influence in the Indian Ocean.

Jumping over to the Maldives a place called Malay, they also scored another huge deal, they leased an entire island, and also have use of the nation’s largest port. In exchange for all this debt that they’ve just received, the Maldivian fishermen and fish products get zero duty exemptions imported into China.

I’m just going to say “So long and thanks for all the fish”, because China scored huge on that. They’re going to let the Maldive fishermen go out and fish the ocean for them, and deliver free fish over to China which is desperate for protein anyway.

China bought up almost the entire harvest of soybeans in the United States, that’s how desperate and how much food / animal feed they need.

(BELOW) When you look at the map to see where Chinese grain production will go offline and has routinely gone offline during past Grand Solar Minimums back thousands of years. It’s always these same two places, even further south in Jiangsu they couldn’t grow oranges in the Maunder Minimum, that’s way down around 25 degrees North Latitude. Up in Heilongjiang, where they’re experiencing massive droughts along with North Korea, grain crops bye-bye.

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(BELOW) The Chinese are smart, they understand these cycles in our Sun, they understand Grand Solar Minimums, they understand sunspot activity. When you’re looking at charts like this.

Let’s string it together so you can really see what it looks like. If you didn’t notice, there that red peak in the middle is where we are at the year 2018. Looks like we’re going for a steep drop-off. I believe we’re going into a much deeper, and many others also believe a heavier, more powerful cycle, that brings us back into the multi-millennia, literally thousands of years of intensity cycle coming up.

When you look at this “String of Pearls”, you’re going to get a way different analysis of it if you understand it’s not just for energy, it’s for food for China. Africa is going to be their food producer, they’re going to deliver it back to Asia.

Speaking of delivery, liquid natural gas and oil tankers are stuck in July Ice and need icebreakers to get these routes open out of the Gulf of Alba. The Barents Observer is reporting now that, “Two of Russia’s largest Arctic out shipment points for oil and LNG have become packed with ice, leaving tankers stranded in ice carriers, stranded and paralyzed in ice”. It’s July though, it’s okay we were told this would happen with global warming (Sarc), we were expecting this much ice anyway. Well at least the Russians were because they sent four icebreakers up there to crack those roots open, so they can continue to get their energy out.

(BELOW) Looking at the sea ice thickness this a couple days ago, June 26th. If you look at the chart here you’re going to see that big purple tongue running down north and then to the east of Norway, cut down at the bottom of chart, it says 30 degrees East. It’s not on that latitude, go straight up, you’ll see that purple tongue, notice it is two-and-a-half-meter thick ice, 8 feet, that’s exactly where the blockade is occurring right now to stop the shipping of.

Transit and tankers coming out of there, also SAF running the same ice chart coverage, you see the same exact areas and the same exact thing. Two data points from two different agencies showing the ice coverage with on-the-ground reports that there’s too much ice for these vessels to get out. It’s July.

Sorry AL, the report from the ice has icebreakers working overtime to clear all of the global warming that you promised, and all that snow you said our children would never see again.

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Resteemed David :)