Black Horse of Famine “GSM Seal” is Broken: Economist Magazine Cover

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago 

We’re all familiar with The Economist magazine, putting out their yearly cover with messages contained in the artwork about world events that will transpire the following year. There were messages about a reset of the economy in 2018 with a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Here we are now, The World in 2019, this is the first time that the cover is nearly blank and you’ll notice, it’s black. It caught my attention because staring into the cover for a few moments, I was trying to get the meaning of what this obscured year represents.

Emails received referenced the Black Horse of the Apocalypse, about the famine, and the nearly black magazine cover within three days of each other. So coincidental and so fitting for what’s coming up in 2019 and 2020.” I don’t believe that, that’s just a random black cover on The Economist magazine. We are here with the Third Seal of the Apocalypse, with scales and a quart of wheat & barley for a day’s wages.

Bring you in here for the forecast below. The lines are N/S magnetic field lines in the Sun, the wider these lines are, the more they come to a canceling effect. Lines with the red dots is how intense the weather system changes are going to become amplifying year on year. Think about everything through 2016, 2017, and 2018, those are the really small tick marks. In the yellow region of Solar cycle 24 that’s the transition point into the green region of Solar Cycle 25.

Meaning that we’re coming into the regular 11-year Solar Minimum moving into solar cycle 25. Pay attention to how wide the wave becomes and the canceling effect is in turn going to create massive changes on our planet in terms of the weather system. Jet streams are moving out of flows and cloud bands are moving along with precipitation.

To get a better gauge, the visual presentation shows you how wide the split is and how much more change there is coming during these next couple of years. Since the Magnetosphere continues to weaken, Jet Streams and cloud bands are trying to adjust to these new conditions and establish new floes in the atmosphere. The most ferocious changes are going to begin right now and amplify through the next three years, until there’s some sort of stabilization, probably from 2022 to 2025. Until that point, look at how much more change we can expet. The yellow bar is approximately where we are now2018, compared to where we’re going, shown by the purple bar, 2022 to 2021. This would encompass the entire year of 2019.

What we’ve seen so far is a 10% global reduction in yields of wheat and a 30% global reductions in rye brought by droughts, massive floods, out of season cold, and the extreme heat from a new equatorial vortex that is formed. These massive changes match up with what would be considered, global food insecurity and not enough crops being grown for global demand.

As the decline in solar activity moves forward, so do declines in food production on the planet. This is a known fact. Your best hope of looking into a crystal ball to the future is nothing more than a history book. I encourage you to look at the Maunder Minimum in the 1600s, it is forecast to mimic and repeat something of this intensity or greater.

When The Economist magazine has a totally black cover and I feel it’s referencing the Black Horse, a kind of reset button for society. Economically, spiritually, mentally, population migration, and all types of events that you didn’t think possible, are going to occur in these next few years.

It recorded that rye prices ware about four times higher during the Maunder Minimum when they had bad harvest years. This will also come into inflation for food, and as you spend more on food, the more the economy is going contract in other sectors. If you’re spending all your money on food, you’re not spending on movies, new electronic appliances, travel etc., and there’s going to be a shift in the economy.

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Regardless, even if there’s enough food, it’s going to get way more expensive and the economy will be shifting at the same time. That’s the bare minimum of what’s occurring.

What’s interesting is where it speaks about a quart of wheat for a Denarius. This is an amount of silver in weight compared to the weight of the grains of wheat and barley sold. The interesting part says that it do not harm the oil and the wine which are typically symbols of prosperity, wealth and abundance.

That made me think right away of what’s happening in Egypt at the moment with police protecting food storage warehouses. It’s like in the Middle East, you do not poison a well regardless of how vile your enemy is; because at some point in the future, you’re going to need that water. It might be in a hundred years or 200 years later, but if you poison the well, then entire generations are not going to be able to rebuild because water is not going to be usable.

This is just common sense. Same thing with don’t burn down the warehouses, don’t raid the warehouses because that’s the last stockpile there is in a city or state.

Egyptian police are out to combat potato shortages. Due to the lower yields and shrunken potato sizes because of inclement weather across the planet, prices have risen out and beyond the reach of half of the population in Egypt.

Traders then are holding on to stocks, they want more money for potatoes because it’s in a consumer economy and if you’re willing to pay more, I’ll sell it to you at a higher price, you can get it only if you pay more. The police are there to raid storage warehouses and forcing wholesalers to sell at a lower price or go to jail. The raids have showcased the links at which these authorities are willing to go to prevent popular discontent from boiling over, meaning street riots because of high food prices.

In the Philippines, Duterte, warrants raids on rice warehouses for the same exact reason. He warned rice traders that he “would not hesitate to order military and police to raid the warehouses to address rice shortages”. They’re always going to blame wholesalers for shortages.

Those people are the middle of the transaction road if you will, from the farm gate to the warehouse to a final distribution point such as a supermarket / fresh market, they are standing in the middle and gouging according to news reports.

The article continues: “If I see something amiss I will not hesitate to exercise the powers of the President and will ask the military and police to raid the warehouse, and subject you to just compensation.” It means that you’re forcing them to sell at a lower price just like what happened in Egypt.

This is what I think when it comes to “do not harm the oil and the wine.” This is because these warehouses are probably going to be the last bastions of food that are going to be in cities in the future. They’re going to have to be guarded, and you don’t want to burn them down because that’s your food source.

Large drop it distribution in China for fish meal from 2016/17

Why do you think the police states have been unveiled across the planet for all these years? They’re trying to pre-lock down society. Now, unseen hands are trying to lock down the information flow so that you can’t see the progression of crop losses in the Grand Solar Minimum.

As I said three years ago, the last thing to look for, is the collapse of the economy, one year before there’s not enough food on the planet. Now we get The Economist magazine with that black cover, the timing is too perfect for all this to be coincidental.

Here to the newsletter I’ve started. You can enter your email at so you can get on my list and I will send out updates in a PDF format. It’s going to be a more generalized information, but If you want more specifics you can contact me directly. More granular analysis.

I’ve planned a monthly release of more detailed information in other interconnected areas about economics and what I see in news feeds and how governments are reacting to changes that are coming.

You have to realize this is absolutely a reset for our economy and society. Our lives will never be the same again.

I’m very interested in what type of information you would like to receive in your newsletter. This is no joke. Once those communication lines go down, you know the time is up and they’re absolutely going to control every bit of information flow across the net.

China is being allowed to unveil their own internet system within the country as a test plot with the Great Firewall and I say less than six years from now, the entire world will be as controlled tightly as China is, with censorship, government intervention to keep narratives alive. Sharing on social media of where crop losses are or where food riots are eruption will not be allowed in my opinion.

In an update on the two-month early snows in Morocco, I put a request out. “Can you send me some photos, because I could not find any images of the record cold and snow, just text on some of the ski resort areas reporting 3 centimeters and it’s 30 centimeters to a foot.

Here are the actual totals that have come down, 2 months early. It’s 30 centimeters! A full foot, not inches. This is the first, super rare and completely out of season snowstorm, a foot of snow. This occurred in a couple different locations, Ifrane was the one with more images coming out. Blue City as well.

Mainly, snows are in January and February, not this early. It is so rare, so unusual to see these depths accompanied by high winds with sticking snow.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of information find the Tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age conversations. Anywhere, you can find a podcast hosted across the net.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

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(MIAC #180) Reasons Why China Will Collapse During the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum

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First Snowfall Blankets Ifrane with 30 Centimeters

Black Horse of Famine in the Seven Seals

Egypt’s police step in to combat potato shortage

Duterte warns of raids on rice warehouses

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Has anyone gotten an original Economist Black cover and run it through brightness filters to see if it IS just a black cover or is it black and slightly black, hiding an image?

Besides the grand solar minimum, the farm fields of The US have been depleted of their nutrients. So, not only is the weather going to make growing harder, the soil is going to make growing harder.

Thus, if wheat is part of your staples, buy them now.

Get a greenhouse and get growing your own food.

And buy a wood burning stove, because next year's winter is going to be worse and longer. No electricity, no heat, for a month.

Good call on that hidden message in the black, the Economist just redid the cover with Leonardo type drawings all over it. Video coming soon.