Comet PANSTARRS Brightens 16X in 24 Hours on it’s August Approach

in grandsolarminimum •  7 years ago 

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Good afternoon everyone, Comet PANSTARRS (C/2017 S3)

Brightening significantly overnight.

This will be the track of the comet as it comes through the solar system, you can see it’s going to dip below the ecliptic on what is termed a hyperbolic trajectory.

Now the closest approach to the earth is going to be on August 8th, and as I said they’re expecting brightening.

At the perihelion, which is the closest to the Sun that will occur on August 15th.

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It’s also expected that this is going to get into the 3.5 range or so for visibility, and what does that really mean for the magnitude on the scale.

The naked eye, I put that in blue there about a 4, you should be able to see this with the naked eye even in rural areas, even some neighborhoods as well, but not in the middle of big large cities such as Tokyo or Hong Kong, but maybe if you go on the mountain, take the cable car up.

The most interesting thing though, this comet brightened the 16-fold, which means 16 times brighter than the day before, and just a single 24-hour period. Now it’s almost twice as wide as Jupiter the planet, this green color is amazing and it’s going to continue to brighten and widen from this point.

While it was on, a few rainbow contrails in the moonlight here, this was Newfoundland, Canada.

Mesmerizing noctilucent clouds July 6th, Denmark.

This is shout-out to Gillian who I met at the Asian blockchain summit, some energy from space for your entrepreneurial ventures. Maybe I’ll have to put adapt 2030 up in the clouds.

I’m also posting at least 3 times a week now on Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast with more in-depth talk about the Grand Solar Minimum, news distractions to keep you away from rising food prices, plus interesting guests. Available anywhere you can find podcasts hosted across the internet.

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Comet C/2017 S3 (PANSTARRS) brightens 16X from the day before

Comet PANSTARRS (C/2017 S3) atmosphere bursts into green and continues to expand on its approach to the sun

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The astronomical magnitude scale

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