Fireballs & Repeating Climate Cycles

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago 

With the Earth’s weakening magnetosphere, many of you have asked if we are going to see more fireballs and if there is any way to get some numbers on this to compare if anything is increasing in terms of overall space debris that enters our lower atmosphere. The graph shows the progression starting back in 2005 up to 2013, and as shown the US had received around 18,400 fireballs. There is definitely an upward trend observed.

Continuing on with 2013 through 2016, the highest instance of total fireball seemed to be in November, 2015.

Moreover, if we continue, November 2018 total fireballs is very similar to November 2015 total fireballs in the graph, just a sliver below that record number in 2015.

Take note that whatever reaches Earth’s atmosphere and visibly burns up and can be seen with the naked eye is a little bit different to Near-Earth Asteroids that NASA keeps a data set on at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This data set was from 1995 to 2015 and it shows the same uptick in activity. It does seem that the region of space we are entering into has more debris and the continually weakening magnetosphere allows this debris to penetrate further down into our atmosphere. So keep your eyes to the skies, maybe you’ll see a flicker up there. Make-a-wish!

Meanwhile, Andrew Siffert put out this little nugget of information about the Urban Heat Island (UHI) impacts of Temperatures, telling us that Urban Heat Island effects can skew temperatures as much as 4 degrees Celsius during night time summer low temperatures. Perhaps this is why in our data we are saying the warmest year ever could be influenced by UHI? What do you think?

Dr. Roy Spencer chimed in and said how the data was manipulated, as seen very clearly in the chart. The top chart is the mainstream media with its “global runaway heat” narrative from 1960, which is continuously going up and up and up. But when Dr. Spencer trimmed and extended this data, you can start to see that it is a cycle of warming and cooling, warming and cooling.

China chimed in as well. This was from 2015, but it’s just as relevant as it is today. China keeps going with copy paste, copy paste and still copy paste in all climate news articles, since that time, they are incredibly worried about climate change. If we switch the lexicon to Grand Solar Minimum and use them interchangeably, we would still come up with the exact same thing. Grand Solar Minimum could have a huge impact on China, reducing crop yields, or Climate change could have a huge impact on China, reducing crop yields, because this could threaten river flows and harvests. This is caused by moving moisture patterns as the jet streams shift into new areas due to a weakening magnetosphere.

China is right to be worried though, because as observed in every Grand Solar Minimum, China has always collapsed because it could not feed its people. I’m talking about the effects of precipitation movement and droughts throughout the planet during Grand Solar Minimums.

This shifting precipitation due to a GSM is one thing, but Sasha Dobler has broken it further into an even more granular information flow: The connection of solar activity, war, peace and the human mind. He discussed different eras in history during the Enlightenment and Dark Ages, and just how society has shifted as changes in solar activity recur in cycles of 400-year duration, or in cycles that are heavier and more powerful on the 2000 or 3600 timeline.

Solar History: The Connection of solar Activity, War, Peace and Human Mind in the 2nd Millennium. The links to this are found at the end of the article. I’ve also interviewed Sasha previously when we talked about the Black Death and how society was so greatly affected during the Wolf Minimum. Taking a look back, Carbon 14 pegs center dates in the duration of the Grand Solar Minima in 1616, 1373, 517 and 224 AD.

What’s most interesting and most striking correlation is, the top right showing where the movement of Earth’s magnetic north pole stopped at 200 AD.

This is where we are now with the Magnetic North Pole in 2019. If this migrates over to where it was in the year 200 AD, we would expect massive weather changes to accompany this. This is why, for me, it looks more like a repeating pattern on a 2000 year timeline.

Evidently, there were lots of unusual events over the last six months, like the one where the Middle East has received all-time record rains.

This is the image of the flooded desert. We’ve seen this massive amount of inland water, an inland freshwater sea with a year’s worth of rain in 24 hours.

Riyadh cars were also seen floating down the streets.

The outcome: There was so much grass with deserts blooming, then enters the locust swarms. Not only did the cyclones in Oman, Yemen and parts of Saudi Arabia get so inundated with rains that lakes have formed, but also in the northern part of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq which received record rains as well this year. So much new grass has come out of the desert sands and it was estimated that this locust swarm is three generations deep. That’s how much food they have to keep going.

Look at the Empty Quarter now. This was more fodder for animals and was not actually growing crops, but look at what Nature has provided in terms of bounty. It was like what I heard before in a prophecy for the future, that the deserts will once again bloom and will become green as we approach the change in our current civilization.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of an in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast




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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Solar History: The Connection of Solar Activity, War, Peace and the Human Mind in the 2nd Millennium

Climate change: China official warns of ‘huge impact’

Red Sea locust swarms spark UN warning for UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt

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