France Bombogenesis & Lost Crops Ontario

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago  (edited)

This video was originally published 8/6/2019

The fields in Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio still looked much like the image below. This means that planting is so far behind, and this is a record for the United States, going back 100 years.

While all eyes are focused on the U.S corn planting and those deficits marked red in the map below, what about the rest of Canada and parts of Ontario, the well-known corn planters as well?

As shown in this report, Hot off the press: “The Crop Walker — Ontario Spring Planting Progress 2019”, planting progress for corn and soybean is below average as well.

The light green, olive areas on the map represents a no plant zone, while the dark green shows areas that are already in and growing. This is similar to the North American phenomenon of delayed planting but the media is not really touching this. It is either because it shows corn growing deficits in China, Canada, United States, and Australia. Then on top of that, there are corn losses in Romania and Bulgaria due to massive floods, also in France due to the Bombogenesis decimating their fields to be considered.

Now, if you think this is going to dry out before the end of the summer, and they can still plant and actually get a harvest out, I have a bridge for sale for you in Brooklyn, two of them actually.

Additionally, reports say that this weather pattern and phenomena is going to stick around for years. That makes sense because of the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum that causes jet streams and cloud cells to move into new locations on our planet and may collide with other systems.

This is going to be a decade long event, so look for a downward trend in our global food production from this point forward. This is what we have been talking about since the beginning, and I say ‘us’ to include anybody following discussions on the Grand Solar Minimum.

Anyway, I did mention about the bombogenesis that can easily break branches of trees with leaves on them, which of course, include corns that are just emerging out of the ground.

This bombogenesis is swinging south of the British Isles and is going to land right in the Bay of Biscay. The image shown below is a glimpse on the 7th of June, as the cyclonic low pressure makes landfall. The tail whipping all the way down to Almeria, and North Africa can be seen as well.

As shown, it has started to bunch up on itself, as it makes a landfall. This carries winds that are going to be about 80 to 90 miles-per-hour, and this will roll right over the crop growing zones of central France.

Look at the cloud pattern behind this, showing an incredible disturbance in the atmosphere.

They were able to map out where the winds are actually going to head to, and that dark blue blob right in the center is where the eye of this thing is, if this is a more completely formed cyclonic low into a hurricane. But since this is just a bombogenesis, we can still see where the eye is.

This bombogenesis is passing directly over the grain growing zones in France, and also in some parts of Germany and into the Czech Republic. The dark yellow areas in the map represent a landfall with around 80 to 90 mile-per-hour winds, and then as it progresses forward through the next three days, some of those areas in the central will be looking at 50 to 60 miles-per-hour winds. So, how will the new emerging corns handle that? We shall see.

The periphery of this front creates magnificent lightning displays and the type of lightning we are seeing in the atmosphere is experienced in every country throughout Europe. This particular gorgeous lightning displays were captured in Netherlands.

This one below is all the way over in the Czech Republic. I would have loved to be there and be able to experience electricity in the air.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you would like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

Climate Revolution is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

This Spring’s Unyielding Rains May Become The New Normal As The Climate Changes

Ontario corn planting progress

Corn planting results Jun e02, 2019

Midwest flooding is drowning corn and soy crops. Is climate change to blame?

Wind speeds Bombogenesis France June 2019

Bombogenesis Europe

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