Intense Ice Anomalies on Greenland & Heat on Our Earth

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago  (edited)

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If you haven’t seen the global headlines, Helheim glacier lost a piece of ice approximately eight billion tons and sized it at half the size of New York’s Manhattan Island, indeed it was an impressive event.

Take a look at the event images caught live.

The global headlines just ran with this, it seems to be the number one story over the last few days to prove that global warming still going on.

A couple YouTube videos linked to the event as well the researchers up there that we’re recording the event, compressed the half hour down into about two minutes you can watch how it rolled and spun away. Impressive nature.

Keep in mind that eight billion tons the global media kept telling you is this huge gargantuan amount of ice that was just lost, but in the same stories they don’t bring you over to a Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and show you the Greenland Ice Mass Budget. From September first 2017 until now, that is the blue line of gains, that is +600 billion tons.

Now see they’re showing you eight billion in the news that it’s a huge number, but then they forget to show you that it gains +600 billion. In actuality the headline should read “Greenland Gained 592 Billion Tons Because 8 billion Tons Broke off the Helheim Glacier”. A little bit long, but I’m sure the journalists could squeeze that down into something more headline readable.

Let’s take a look at the melt 2018, Friday the 13th on the left side compared to the 30-year average on the right side of the melt, this particular day. Do you notice any difference? look to the Northeast and especially look to Central West.

Interestingly enough even over these next few days, they’re expecting five feet of snow up to what July 18th or so.

Keep in mind as melt season on sets, it’s going to turn back off and begin re-freezing around the 15th of September maybe even earlier. It’s less than two months the entire melt season, but it’s well below average, comparatively over the last 30 years that they trying to tell you about Global Warming is increasing etc. So do a little fact-checking checking on these numbers yourself, they’re only presenting one side of the story in the news.

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Such as this one, The Big Wobble, this is on July 9th, and they’re saying that 2018 is set to be the hottest year ever, in the second paragraph that I highlighted in blue, June is expected to be named the hottest June ever on the planet, we’ll see that article is published July 9th, but global temperature sets had already been put out for the June 2018 temperatures.

Let’s take a look at the satellite data set University of Huntsville Alabama (UAH), and you know the IPCC loves to talk about satellite data because it’s so much more accurate, it can get us down to hundreds or thousands of a degree of temperature to prove that we’re warming the planet.

(BELOW) Using satellite data, we compare the two years if it’s supposed to be the warmest June ever, it should have been warmer than last year. 2017.06 is June +0.22 global, and follow that column down will come right down to 2018.06 +0.21, so the temperature dropped one hundredth of a degree. So I don’t know how they can come out with headlines like this and still say that it’s on track to be the hottest June ever on the planet when actually pulled back from the prior year.

Taking a look at 1979 out to the latest 2018 temperatures in June, not the hottest, and probably not going to be the hottest year ever. Just my opinion the way it looks so far, because you must realize our Northern Hemisphere melt season is over in two months.

(BELOW) Following a fact checking here, if it was going to be the hottest ever then the North Pole should for sure be showing way above average temperatures. When we look here, that Green Line is the 30-year temperature average, this is 80 degrees North around the top of the planet up to North at 90, right at the North Pole. That red line is where our temperatures are today, it is below the 30 years average. So again this is the second fact that says the warmest year ever just doesn’t seem to apply right now.

(BELOW) Looking back into the sea ice thickness, this is July 13th here, I want you to go to Greenland, and I want you to go to the left a little bit or west off a Greenland to Baffin Island, then if you go to the west side of Baffin Island you’re going to see that orange in the center, that is over five-meter-thick ice that’s still up in there, five meters is 15 feet. It pegs that orange color maximum, they’re going to need to put a new meter band in there, could be 6 could be 7 could be 8, we don’t know it pegs at 5 meters.

They’re showing through there at least 3–5 meter thick ice all the way along the channels where they say there will be ice free passage for ships etc., It’s still at least four-meters-thick, that’s 12 feet on the coastal, that should not be there along the Canadian coast. Straight dead center at North Pole, we still got 12–14 foot thick ice, it’s in that orangish red right there, yellow 3 is meters / 9 feet thick.

With less than two months to melt all of this supposed “Ice-Free Arctic”, use your own judgement, do you think 12–15 foot thick ice is going to melt in a matter of less than two months now? If not, how do you think the media will explain away the rebound in Arctic Sea Ice at the same time they are feeding you Global Warming?

Jump over to my 3x weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast for more in depth commentary about the Earth changes and interviews with interesting people in this space.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Greenland’s Helheim Glacier loses eight billion tons of ice half the size of New York’s Manhattan Island

June is expected to be named the hottest June ever on this planet ttps:// The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2018 was +0.21 deg. C, up a little from the May value of +0.18 deg. C

USA Extreme high temperatures 1895–2017

Greenland Ice Budget and Ice Coverage

Arctic Temperatures Daily Mean Temperatures North of 80 degree North

Sea Ice Thickness July 13, 2018

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great post!
thank you for keeping an eye on the real climate change!