Planet Cools in August Lake Toba Volcanic Gas Release

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago 

Since winter is quickly approaching and the UK already gone below zero Celsius, which is below freezing temperatures in late Summer, and we’re still not even into Autumn yet. The early UK freeze event was officially still summertime and here comes the cosmic cold front, scientists surprised by this relentless event.

To put it in perspective though, the difference between 80 million degrees and 30 million degrees, that’s what they’re talking about here, Chandra X-Ray Observatory found this cold front in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. They’re surprised how it stays together extremely sharp over eons rather than becoming diffuse, that would be an electrical phenomenon, not gravity.

Onto Lake Toba, this is the largest volcanic caldera on the planet, Yellowstone pales in comparison to Toba. 70,000 years ago when Toba erupted it created a year without a summer for about 20 straight years.

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This is the second year in a row in the millions of fish have died in the Toba Basin lake, this is a different location than last year. It was definitely a gas release from the Supervolcano that permeated the water column and suddenly millions of fish were found floating dead in cages, and it goes right along with reports of water becoming suddenly cloudy. We’re starting to see a lot of up-ticks wherever you look globally, these calderas, volcanoes and fault zones are all starting to awake as we get deeper into the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum.

Here’s a look at the different types of fish species affected by this kill off, freshwater varieties here.

When you look at the loss, its millions and millions of pounds of fish. In the official hypothesis, they don’t want a touch “volcanic activity” with a ten-foot pole.

Officials say it was a rapid change in the temperature of the oxygen-poor water at the bottom of the lake, causing a sudden upwelling of water that made the lower oxygen depleted level resurface. They kind of alluded to a gas escape there talking about churning water from lower depths, but if you put two and two together with the increase of the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum, you see the pattern. Pier’s Corbin and myself talked about the uptick in earthquakes, volcanic activity as well as jetstreams shifting that are now affecting our crops with Australia going into a mega-drought along with South Africa.

You’re going to see more and more of these locations around the planet start to have unusual weather that will affect crop yields. At the end of the year, we both agreed food prices up and up and up. Something that’s not up and up and up are the global temperatures, which are down again. University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) global temperature update August 2018, 0.19 C degree above baseline not even two tenths of a degree Celsius, that’s down from the July temperature of 0.32 C.

The corporate news media has been feeding us forest fires, epic heat, all-time, record heat, it’s the hottest world ever narrative, but how did the global temperature drop from July? Typically, in the Northern Hemisphere August is even a warmer month than July but this year it declined in temperature. The forecast is that we’re going to continue to decline in temperature from this point forward, and crash something back through the 1980s that you see on the far left of the chart. We are just going to continue down over these next five to seven years.

Our crops are going to have a very difficult time with Earth’s seasons in shambles, there will no longer be reliable planting or harvesting times. You’re going to get these extremes in heat that’s the Equatorial Vortex. Media loves to run with that one, that’s part of the Grand Solar Minimum changes as well.

You notice all these August snows we’ve had across the Northern Hemisphere in 2018, foreshadowing winters becoming longer and the summers becoming shorter, but they’re going to be excruciatingly hot. This is what we’re seeing already.

Take a look in a tabular form here, because I feel this breaks it down far better than what you just saw in the global temperature graph. This breaks it down by the year, the month, the total Global, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Tropics, US48 lower, Arctic, and then Australia as a continent by itself. I took 2017, month 8 that’s August compared to 2018, 8th, month August, so I just compared this year to last.

Global temperatures down, it was 0.41 C down to under 2/10ths of a degree. Remember the IPCC told us we’d be running up at 2 degrees, 3 degrees, 4 degrees Celsius by 2050, and we’re not even at 2/10ths of a degree yet and declining. Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere both down from last year, how is that possible if it’s going to be the warmest year ever?

The whole takeaway for me is the Arctic temperatures with the blue box around that, to highlight it for you so you can easily find it on the right side of the chart there, almost half a degree Celsius over baseline at 0.49 last year in August 2017. This year corporate media has been talking about heating the Arctic, but I just don’t see it at all because now 2018 it’s 0.09 C not even 1/10th of a degree C over those 30-year averages that the IPCC loves to feed you about global temperatures rising above the average. Well it’s not even 1/10 of a degree above the average in the Arctic for this August.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. Piers Corbin and my self’s interview is Mini Ice Age Conversations episode #100, that is a milestone in the podcast world. Thank you so much for your support.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

UAH Global Temperature Update for August 2018: +0.19 deg. C

MIAC #100 Piers Corbyn

Millions of fish die in lake Toba

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Iteluwat! After what I saw yesterday at the store I was floored!