Rain and Water Everywhere Planet Wide

in grandsolarminimum •  6 years ago  (edited)

This video was originally published 26/5/2019

Everywhere seems to be experiencing massive flooding across the planet these days, and these events are pinned to “evaporating oceans”. In my opinion however, this is the effect of galactic cosmic rays. I encourage you to look closely at these flooding events to see the signs.

Iran, for example had all-time record floods, but the vastness of the waters were not never recorded, even back to the days of the Silk Road traders.

The images below are the before and after the flooding, and as you can see, vast quantities of water coming down, new lakes are forming.

As for the periphery countries that were not so heavily affected with floods, like Afghanistan, the image below shows how much water that has swept through the millennia dry river basins through its deserts.

As to the other desert areas across the Middle East, these images below indicate how arid areas responded to the flood events. The top left image is Saudi Arabia turning into grass fields where crops could be grown, so is the top right image, after they had the record floods. You have to love those camels in purple flowers. The effects of the “years’ worth of rain in a day” in Qatar is also captured in the bottom left image. Lakes are forming in Yemen and Oman, as shown in the bottom right image, because of these floods.

Jumping to other continents, in Australia, Lake Eyre, the legendary inland sea grows and fills again.

Below are the before and after images. This continues to build due to the record rains that are still draining into that basin.

This is also another representation. The use of a false color really gives a good indication of how it is now. Remember that this was completely dry before.

Lake Eyre has started to fill during the 2018 and 2019 record floods. This is what became of the streams in the desert through the outback in the driest parts of Australia.

This is also another glimpse of where a river usually is, but the floods extended far out beyond that. Rains are going to continue to fill that basin as we move forward through the Intertropical Convergence Zone Shift

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Flood waters Lake Eyre Australia

Middle East Blooming

Great Lakes Basin warming faster than other parts of country, new study finds

Great Lakes states are warming faster than the rest of the country, more flooding is in store

Algeria Cereals: a production of more than 60 million quintals expected in 2019

Heavy winter rains caused Mt Tabor to bloom heavy this year

Precipitation forecasts TropicalTidbits.com

North Africa Extremes map

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As David is well aware, not 'everywhere' will get increase in precipitation in the GSM, even if the ITCZ is expanding and there is increasing cloud nucleation in lower atmosphere, some zones will get drier as a result of temperature budgets affecting seasonal jetstream trajectories...the best guess we can make is from climate proxy data (flora and fauna analysis) in past cycles...