Nice Guys Finish Last in the Bedroom and the Boardroom

in grantcardone •  8 years ago 


Have you ever noticed that women like bad boys? Mr. Nice Guy will come to the door with roses—but he's already landed himself in the friend zone. If it were just about being nice and friendly, then no guy would need sales skills. If the trick were just to be nice, most of the world, at least the nice people, would all be doing great. If nice guys finish first you could be the kind-hearted millionaire next door.

The reality is that most of you put too much significance on being nice and not enough emphasis on closing deals down. The nicest thing you can do for a customer is to make sure they make a decision and take action to get a solution: your product or service.

Do you know where the word nice comes from? Its original derivation from Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary is French, and it came from the word foolish, simple, silly, ignorant, and not to know. Is that what you want to be—nice, foolish, silly, ignorant and simple?

Nice guys finish last.

No wonder that when someone says you are a “nice salesperson,” you know that they aren’t buying from you! The last thing you’d want a woman to describe you as would be a “nice” guy.

Nice will not get the job done in the bedroom or the boardroom. To close is defined by the dictionary as the ability to come to an end and complete an agreement. Many people, due to their upbringing regarding being nice, are unwilling to be insistent and persistent to close the deal.

While it is important to be ethical, have manners, and to be respectful, being “nice” is insufficient for getting what you want in life. Pushing through doesn’t make me “not nice” but rather it demonstrates that I am sold on my product.

Throughout the thirteen months of trying to close Elena on the idea of being my wife I was never ill-mannered, inappropriate or unprofessional but was highly interested and confident in my quest. Thanks to my insistence, my confidence, my dedication and my willingness to hang in there, I won her heart.


Being “nice,” without some pressure would not have done the job, I assure you!

Don’t be a jerk, but know that nice guys aren’t able to sell, and nice guys finish last.
Instead of being nice, be great.

  • Grant Cardone

P.S. One way to get great is to learn new information. And if you want to overcome any objection, in any situation, I have exactly what you need.

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If it were just about being nice and friendly, then no guy would need sales skills. If the trick were just to be nice, most of the world, at least the nice people, would all be doing great. If nice guys finish first you could be the kind-hearted millionaire next door.

The reality is that most of you put too much significance on being nice and not enough emphasis on closing deals down. The nicest thing you can do for a customer is to make sure they make a decision and take action to get a solution: your product or service.

Meh, I am a nice guy and I am killing it in life and in business. I'm also pretty good at sales, which is mostly engaging and connect with people (empathy) while maintaining confidence and knowing what you are talking about.

@eeks great post mate keep on steeming bro

I think that depends on what you're selling. If you're selling a fixed timeshare in orlando, you probably have to be a little pushy, whereas if you're selling a ferrari, you can just let the person walk in and watch him hand you money.

If you're selling a timeshare in Orlando, you should probably rethink the world you want to live in and how you can impact the realization of that world.

@eeks and @grantcardone - really contrasting ways of attaining ones goals in life. That's the beauty of life, no two people are alike. But who is to say what will or will not work for you? At the end of the day it is about being authentic and being happy with yourself and the things you do.....

The world is what one makes of it, whether making it better or contributing to its regression.

Oh I agree with you so much. With this and the above comment. Though I liek to reprhase nice to good. Therefore I'd call you a good guy. And I think everyone should be aspiring to be a good guy

  • somone with values he stands for
  • someone whoo knwos what he wants
  • someone who works at improving himself and helping others do the same
  • someone who has his values and stands behind them

And you might very well be that person if you are killing it.

Keep on killing.

Probably it is about balance. If you are being a total ass you will only have enemies, bad karma all over you and no one want to see you rise. It is probably the art of being both at the right time. Be kind to the ones who deserves it and be a total ass to the ones who will not understand another treatment anyway. But most important: be true to yourself.

It's all about being persuasive and not about being nice. People can be nice and at the same time being persuasive to close a deal.

So true @grantcardone. Be great, being nice is overrated.

"The nicest thing you can do for a customer is to make sure they make a decision and take action to get a solution: your product or service"...or not. If you do not have the best service/product for that particular potential customer, let them know.

"It is important to be ethical, have manners, and to be respectful, [but] being “nice” is insufficient.

Instead of being nice, be great.


​Niamaat​ aka Teacher Nia aka Prima Nia
English Language Coach and
Translator (Spanish to English)

P.S. “Be great because nothing else pays.” -– Grant Cardone

Don't be the "Nice Guy"... Become A Boss! 🤑😎

Why can't you be both nice, kind-harded and a salesmen. That's the old way of thinking @grantcardone . You will not raise your vibrations by being a jerk; but keep doing you you won't make it in this new world with low vibrations. Gary Vee all the way, big business and a good person.

I agree. Grant is a little old-school in this way. I think he could be a bit more of a student here on Steem and take a step back from his "I'm the master who knows everything" stance.

I agree completely. He just sees Steemit as an additional revenue stream sad

being nice won't get you the girl, therefore be the bad boy at first. being nice will definitely make your relationship last.

Nice guys, finish last!

Nice to see you one here.

Be confident, be cool, be exciting, be different. Easy steps to follow. Most guys don't get it and if they see it they will not want to change, because they are brainwashed to follow the pattern.
It is allover like this, follow the pattern to mediocrity, because this is what everybody wants from you. Beeing mediocre.
Thanks @grantcardone for the knowledge!

You are absolutely right on the money, Uncle G.

I've heard it's because bad guys are more likely to survive. XD

I think the reality sometimes is somewhat different. I do not buy into the thought that being too nice is harmful when it comes to getting the girl. It is rather the fact that a lot of shy guys hide their lack of confidence behind niceties. They might not get her as often as less nice people, but it is not always because they are nice.


@grantcardone you carrying on being nice badboys are twats

I've heard this before regarding 'nice' guys and I have to say I've come to disagree, not with the sentiment but with the term 'nice'. I think it's 'needy' guys that come last. It's quite possible to be an assertive, positive and focused man and still be nice. I guess you might call these good guys, but in my world 'nice' means - decent with integrity and morals. Needy on the other hand is selfish and unable to figure out how to be valuable to others because they only think about the value they want for themselves.

Agreed. Always be on the quest to learn and develop yourself.

If I could have my way, I would have a world full of Warren Buffets and Bill Gates rather than the Carl Icahns and Steve Jobs.

This is true. Some will settle for a beta male and not be completely happy but what they really want is the alpha male.

You are correct in this circumstances. Women like it a bid rough and naughty sometimes and not nice and boring. To get deals done, you dont have to be a nice guy...good post

Uncle G is in the house! Good to see you on here.

You can always be nice. The thing is that once you start being nice just because it makes you feel better, instead of looking for some validation or reward, that's when you've truly become a good person.

hmm, Your game would be a lot better if you knew how to bust da move on the dance floor, women love that.

I have seen this happen all the time it's so true,I am a nice guy!

Nice post! I voted for you.
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I would say that being nice is an excuse for not venturing outside your comfort zone. To get anywhere you have to be persistent and have the technology/skill required to get the product delivered. So instead of nice, you have to be persistent to impinge and deliver the goods in the brief window of opportunity that you created from your persistence. As Grant says "Instead of being nice, be great". Great takes WORK!

In short - be confident, but not arrogant.

In layman's terms- be nice but not stupid.

Congratulations @grantcardone - This post was one of the most shared posts on the web from the Steemit website during the past week. You were featured in my report, here.

Grant definitely has some points, but in this world, he's still a rookie -- Don't let him or any big fish in someone else's pond come in here and be the teacher. We own this platform and hopefully @Grantcardone takes a step back and realizes that in the world of Steem and Crypto he needs to invest more and not out-source this as another "content play" for his staff to do. Let's see Grant himself reply to this comment -- (PS, I'm a fan of his, so I don't doubt that he would respond or that he even wrote this himself) but we need to keep these newcomers honest and make sure they respect those who built this wonderful platform.

This is great advice! People should know there is a difference between not being nice, and being a jerk. Those are two very different things. Being a jerk is someone who's arrogant, cocky, and full of themselves. Not being nice means you should be assertive, confident, and know what you want. As you already stated, doing that will get you the results you're looking for, as well as the respect of everyone around you :)