Gravity Protocol Witness

in graphene •  6 years ago 

Hello Fellow Gravity Users,

Who are we?

Allow us to make our proposal for making us a gravity witness. We are an organization of individuals who have been working with Graphene for a couple of years. From BitShares, to Steemit, to Peerplays, we have had our hand in several notable Graphene based blockchains.

What do we bring?

We bring years of experience in using, developing, and operating various Graphene based witness nodes. We have developed a number of private scripts that are useful in deriving keys, manipulating testnets, mainnets, committee operations, etc. While these scripts are still under development, they will be released when they are ready or as necessary / requested by the public.

Who do we know?

We have a broad network of blockchain professionals that we are frequently in contact with. This is incredibly important as the technology in this space is moving at an incredibly fast pace. We intend on leveraging the knowledge we have in house as well as the knowledge offered to us by our various supporters and associates.

Our Tech

Currently(May 26th 2018). We are running our Gravity TestNet on a AWS EC2 t2.medium instance.

  • 16GB space
  • 8 GB RAM
    This node allowed us to compile the gravity testnet as well as run several supplementary scripts that enhance the activity of our master.

Vote for our witness! Thank you for the support:

AccountID: g9480a2230f7280f3790

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Hi guys, you should update your node

Hi, guys. We had to un-vote you until you confirm your node update, sorry for that. Please tell us, when you update the witness in our telegram chat