in gratefulsoul •  7 years ago 

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On continuation from Volume 1
Link to Volume 1


"I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff i passed over this Jordan; now i am become two bands." ( Genesis 32:10)

Being grateful is one of those steps that grows you and elevate you high and higher. Grateful souls are not difficult to know. the way they talk, the way think and the way they tell people of the favours the Lord showered on them are always true pointers to the condition of their heart. Look at Jacob in the above verse as he grovels before the throne of grace. See him talking to God in appreciation of all the goodness that the Lord had showered on Him. he just received fearful news of the coming of his brother Esau with 400 men. He knew he could not match such a formidable force with his team of women and children.what would he do? He decided to recall the goodness and mercies of God in his life as he prayed.

As you read this post can you also not see the favour of God over your life? Do you remember that you are really not worthy of all the mercies bestowed on you by this wonderful God? Do you remember that the Lord reserved your life and took care of you while the Labans of this world meant to harm you? Have you said your THANK YOU today to our gracious God for all He has done for you? in case you have forgotten, you actually did not deserve any of the mercies that God has given to you. Yet, He chose to bless you and take care of you. Blessed be His holy nae.

PRAYER: Thank You Father for Your love to me. I am grateful.

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