Love for animals

in gratefulvibes •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today I've read one inspirational story on steemit by @tamacvet , and it made me think of my love for animals, especially two dogs, who share a story.
We had a dog named Maza (translated to English - the one who loves to cuddle), and she was a Lhasa Apso. A small dog with a big heart, and love for our neighbor dog who was other and bigger breed.


That love had a tragic ending, Maza died at labor, but gave life to one amazing puppy. He was so small and weak, we had to bottle-feed him for few months.
Mickey grew fast and strong, thinking and acting like he was a human, and we made him a member of our family right away. He is our daily reminder of his mother, and love she had for us, we are grateful for every day with him.

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Really nice photo and good story, @jaca :)

Thank you so much. Your support menas very much to me.

You are welcome, @jaca :)

Радује ме да те је кренуло. Ово си могао да пријавиш и за #animalphotocontests. Мада још није касно. Може да иде и за следећу недељу.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Хвала још једанпут, само не капирам како то да урадим јер још лутам у свему овоме. Ако си вољан напиши ми како и шта треба да урадим на [email protected] , хвала како год.