I am keeping those bots that I first inadvertently followed and of course, I can't get "rid" of cheetah.
I think it's because he likes to go and sniff around on my old www.quora.com/eric-morrison-18 account and say he/she found some similar articles (passive way of saying "potential plagarism")
I don't know yet if I can still continue to keep transplanting entire articles without hurting my rep.
I prefer to do all the necessary and consistent steps to get this train STEEMING out of the station, just like Thomas and scruffy the boxcar!
Pictured: SOMEbody read thomas the tank engine when they were a kid too!
After a lot of reading and watching others and observing people that have PILES of followers...and not a steem to their name: Organic, grassroots interaction and being REAL on #steemit is what gets the votes.
Today I am grateful for:
Becoming more grounded while Living with Skeet and Kate from this post:
And learning the value of daily gratitude given at every opportunity.
Before a meeting, before a meal, before we light a fire.
Gratitude decreases inflammation in the body, increases brain function and PUMPS up your ATP.
A good book to read on the way our mind is influenced by the body and the body by the mind: The Mind Body Code - Mario Martinez
I got mine on www.audible.com what an awesome site.
CF - 2017 #organic #growth #grassroots #bootsonthekeyboard #grounded #grattitude
#steemitlife #steemian #longhaul #concistency #realfollowers #grattitude #gratefulformypassions #gratefultobelivinginthistime #neverbeenseenbefore #youarespecial #betterandbettereverydayineveryway
Better and Better Every Day in Every Way - @iamericmorrison
And now you know what an "ATP" aka Adenosine Triphosphate molecule looks like in a 3d render! Its whats moving your fingers and its also generating the voice in your head that is reading this to you....