What Are You Grateful For?

in gratitude •  7 years ago 

What Are You Grateful For?

This article is going to be yours today. Go deep in your heart and comment what you are grateful for. I am grateful for the life I have, for the good health, for the family and friends that were given to me and for the opportunity I have to make an impact in the world.

Now, what are you grateful for?


Share from the bottom of your heart and comment below.


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
""You can go through Fire and still not get burned"."
"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"
"Clear your mind, body and soul to show what you are really made of"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"
"If you want the world to change, just look at yourself in the mirror and you will see where to start. "

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.


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I'm grateful for what I have got from my beloved parents and the God who always blessed me good things all the time.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Probably for everything, if you look at everything with an optimistic look, then I'm happy. I'm sitting in the warmth, at the computer, I'm full and healthy, but after all, even the simple drinking water is not there, and they are dying of thirst.

lots of things to be grateful for my friend. Glad you appreciate the smallest things in life.

Great idea for an article. There was a time when, throughout the week, I wrote a letter of thanks to all my family and friends in the articles. It will be great to remember.
First of all, I'm very grateful to myself. For everything without exception. But, most of all, I thank myself for the fact that I'm not afraid to experiment. I am very grateful to my son for bringing great happiness to my life. Thanks to him, I looked at my life in a new way. I am very grateful to my wife. Most of all I am grateful to her for her understanding, love and for giving me her son. I am very grateful to my parents that they loved me very much and protected me from everything in every possible way. I am grateful to my sister for her care and excitement. I am grateful to my niece for her love and respect. I am grateful to my wife's parents for being beautifully brought up. I am grateful to all my relatives for giving me a lot of experience, both positive and not very positive. I am grateful to everyone with whom I have ever communicated, for the knowledge that I received from communication. I am grateful to all crypto-currencies, especially STEEM. For allowing me to feel much freer financially. And on parting, I'm grateful to @javybar for the daily wisdom and for this opportunity to thank everyone again. Good luck to you and Love.

Отличная идея для статьи. Было время, когда я на протяжении недели писал благодарность всем своим родным и близким в статьях. Отлично будет вспомнить.
В первую очередь я очень благодарен себе. За все без исключении. Но, больше всего я благодарю себя за то, что я не боюсь экспериментировать. Я очень благодарен своему сыну за то, что он принес в мою жизнь огромное счастье. Благодаря ему, я по-новому взглянул свою жизнь. Я очень благодарен своей жене. Больше всего я благодарен ей за ее понимание, любовь и за то что подарила мне сына. Я очень благодарен своим родителям, что очень любили меня и всячески оберегали меня от всего. Я благодарен своей сестре за ее заботу и волнения. Я благодарен своей племяннице за ее любовь и уважение. Я благодарен родителям жены за то, что прекрасно ее воспитали. Я благодарен всем родственникам за то, что подарили мне много опыта, как положительного так и не очень положительного. Я благодарен все, с кем я когда либо общался, за те знания, что я получил от общения. Я благодарен всем криптовалютам, особенно STEEM. За то, что позволили мне чувствовать себя намного свободней в финансовом плане. И на прощание, я благодарен @javybar за ежедневную мудрость и за эту возможность еще раз выразить всем благодарность. Удачи Вам и Любви.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

amazing words of gratitude for yourself and world. Very proud to have you in the world with the amazing heart you have. I'm sure your family is very proud of yourself for the tremendous human being you are. Grateful to have communication with you via steemit my friend. it is a pleasure to interact with you and share different ideas everyday. Best of wishes to you :)

This is the good question. I am also greatful for the blessed life 😇 i have a loving parents, family and love. 💕

great to see that my friend, take care :)

I’m grateful of God, for so many blessing like food money etc..I’m grateful of God, for the gift of life.
I’m grateful for my parents who love me more then anything...
I’m grateful for my friends who are just a reason to smile..

awesome knowledge creativity..my dear friend.. @javybar.i am really gratefull my life.because god gift me good life and good life.god gives everything..so,always beautifull my life..your all experience very powerfull. i think because alots of steemians learning new thing of your everyday post.just excellent powerfull idea giving alltime..i am appreciate your post..my dear friend. @javybar very well done..

Very good post my friend. We as God-created creatures, whatever we get in this life, be it a happy life or a bitter life, we should be thankful to God. Because God already knows what is best for our lives, but we as human beings should try to change our lives more, after we try, then we leave it to God, what God will give us. And the important thing, whatever we do, we must always remember the god, that way, God will always give us a happiness in the world and in the hereafter.

Remember, the world is only temporary, but the hereafter will last forever, so use the best time possible as long as we are alive. Thanks for sharing @javybar, and hopefully you have a wonderful day... :)

very well said my friend. we are all eternal and this is just a small trip we came to experience. Take care a lot.

Now, what are you grateful for?

Of course, Thanks given to my lovely husband who loved me forever. Also @javybar, You gave me huge assistance for provide my steemit journey. Thanks and appreciate your whole help my self. Currently I'm being good healthy and mind.

Grateful to have you sharing your words as well my friend, I appreciate it.

I'm grateful for my parents included family members every time. And inserting steem blockchain, thanks for every post authors given me glorious upvote for go ahead my world.

Very true my friend, steem blockchain is giving a great opportunity to succeed. Good to be grateful for it.

This article is going to be yours today

@javybar, Thanks for given us opportunity to tell my ideas who's the grateful my world. Firstly I given huge loved to my parents. They gave me lot of facilities for being bigger humqan in this world. They gave me education, love and all of necessary needed. Then after my relations, friends, neighbors, lovers and currently my wife. Thanks for all gave me support.
After the steemit world, indeed with you (@javybar) lot of steemians helpful for me go higher. Thanks everyone.

excellent thoughts of gratefulness my friend. Practice it everyday and you will a difference in your life.

I am very grateful to be given a second chance to live after being washed away in the tsunami in Aceh. I am grateful I can still breathe fresh air and stand upright after the tsunami hit Aceh.

Big thing to be grateful fro my friend. Life continues. :)

Yeah..That's right,,I appreciate with you,,
I am grateful for the life I have, for the good health, for the family and friends that were given to me and for the opportunity I have to make an impact in the world.Thanks for sharing

Excellent my friend. You are very welcome :)

I am grateful for GOD for giving me good health, my parents, my brother obviously for my wonderful life...
Also to you for posting such a wonderful post...

wonderful post as well :)

Thanks .. it is pleasure for me @javybar

I am grateful for my family's love and support, love of my girlfriend, I am happy, healthy, and living in amazing place.

awesome to know that, have great day :)

I am greatfull for all the blessings in the form of family, friends, health, wealth and happiness. We should remain thankfull for all the blessings of GOD. keep sharing @javybar

I'm grateful to be a human being and thanks God for the gift of family, friends. We make the world a beautiful place as we all humans are gratitude, kind hearted, love each others, believe each others. Really every elements in the world is the perfect gift of God. Thanks a lot sir @javybar for the beautiful motivated content sharing with us.

thank you very much fir sharing what you are grateful for my friend.

I am grateful to my parents for giving me life, education. I am grateful to fate for the fact that I have a peaceful sky. Thank you for sharing @javybar

excellent, you are very welcome my friend.

The perfect question, my friend, is the first and most important duty in a person's life - gratitude. It should always be first of all. I am personally grateful for everything that happens to me, because the good pleases me and makes me happy, the bad teaches me to see mistakes and I gain experience, therefore for all this I am grateful from the heart! Thank you @javybar

Awesome to know that my friend. Enjoy your day. :)

Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. I appreciate you skill for writing bro @javybar

you are very welcome my friend. :)

Actually How am I telling your maximum support as well @javybar. I know everything who want to appreciate my life. I don't try to mention who's this. Everyone know who're help me keep going further. So especially thanks to all. Better chance giving us @javybar. You are the best encouraging steemian.

it is definitely a pleasure for us to share what we're grateful for.

Hi. @javybar
This is very excellent sir
I am grateful to me for a lot of beautiful things in my life. Health and family. Some of the people here at Stimet deserve respect and appreciation. I am grateful to me for many things in my life.
Life is amazing and we make life

Indeed my friend, life is amazing if we make it amazing for ourselves.

I'm greatful for having happy family and greatful to be on steemit.

I'm grateful for every new day, to get new opportunities, for the colors of the world and the honest smiles of people 😊

I wish yoy a nice day @javybar

Posted using Partiko Android

I also wish you a great day as well my friend.

A great opportunity to express my gratitude to you personally, my friend @javybar , because your motivations are priceless for me and I always try to be grateful to everyone who supports me on my way. I am also grateful to God and my family for all the best that I have!

Grateful to have you in the blog my friend. We try to help each other the best we can. Enjoy every day of your life.

That's a nice content..Firstly we are grateful to God,,Then Our nature and then our parents!!!!!Then teacher !!!!
Good article @javybar

good my friend! :)

really very good quote my dear friend.. @javybar firstly i am gratful my parents because they are loves me alots and alltime stayed my sdes every moment protect my life. secondly grateful my god because he gift me a beautifull human life.obviously thirdly gratefull of my husband he always loves me and every situation stayed my sides and fortly gratefull my friend as like you.because you always support my work and gives me alots of encourage my steemit work andmy real life..thanks to sharing for your great post..my dear cute friend.. @javybar..very well done.. best of luck of your great work and take care yourself.

Buenos dias @javybar , estoy agradecida , por tener un hijo maravilloso , que siempre esta pendiente de mi .Estoy agradecida con DIOS , por permitirme , levantarme cada dia con buena salud y realizar las actividades que me gustan .
Estoy agradecida , por conocer a un joven llamado javybar , al que siempre tendra mi cariño , usted fue el PRIMERO que me dio un VOTO en steemit , yo le comente y no sabia que decir , esto para mi fue increible , por esto quiero regalarle este pequeño detalle con mucho cariño.

Bendiciones querido javybar :)

@martha75 awww muchas gracias por esas palabras. Muy agradecido por tener comunicacion con ese tan bueb ser humano que es ud. Dios me la Bendiga siempre y le de todo lo que necesite y mucho mas :)

Last Note is awesome..

Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.

I like this,,
Thanks for legality

Glad you liked it my friend. It goes right to the point and it is clear for everyone. We all think differently and not everyone agrees with me which is fine :)

"I am thankful because God still gives me pain."

Im grateful for many things in life... I feel blessed to think about what i got from this life..!

But if I say about my steemit journey, Im really grateful for the amazing support and help from this community... This community welcomes new users so nicely...

Thanks to everyone of this community... Thanks to u too, u've shown a great support... :)

~ Christina

thank you as well for supporting each other. It is a pleasure for me :)

Life is truly beautiful most especially if there are so many people out there who care about us and that is something to be grateful about.

very well said my friend

i am grateful that i am human i am grateful that i am living in a beautiful world like this i am grateful that i got such lovely parents i am grateful that i believe in god i am grateful that i am on steemit my future i am grtae that i am on your post i am grateful that i am @javybar friend

very grateful to have you with us in steemit my friend. best of wishes to you and your family.

thanks alot dear friend!

I Think my life is best life for me... i am really grateful for my life...

thanks for share with us your great another post.

you are very welcome :)

I'm also grateful for the life I have, for the good health, for the family and other..

Everyone should grateful for his life. Thank you for share.

everyone should be grateful about something my friend, i agree

I am grateful for my family, I have been given the gift of two little daughters, they are my inspiration every time, I am also grateful to know people like yours @javybar

Really grateful for people like you as well my friend. thank you very much :)

I am grateful for being alive, and in good health.
I am grateful for sharing a laugh with a total stranger.
I am most grateful for being here, now, in this time
when there has never been so much opportunity,
when there has never been as much peace (despite
the media wants us to believe)
when there is so much freedom,
when there are so many resources at our disposal.
Life may be tough, but it is easier than
it was 1000 years ago.
Life may be tough, but even the world's richest people
from 100 years ago could not even imagine the things
we take for granted.

Well its the gift of life, survived my third accident

what a presentation!
nice post.
so smart..👌👌👌

I am grateful to God and The nature,,

Good writing skill..Thanks for sharing..I am not grateful anyone!!!!
This is a painful life..

God,Family,Life,present is awesome,,,That's a awesome review !!!
so well content!!!
Thanks for sharing

I'm gratful to my God for everything i have in my life . And also to my family😊

So attractive topic..Thanks for sharing

Being thankful for the essentials—appreciating what I already have—has allowed me to live more simply

I am grateful for the free air i breathe everyday. I would have been in a big dept if am to pay for the air i breathe.

I am living in the amazing time of era, that's the only one reason I am so grateful.

each day is an opportunity to do something interesting and nice i am grateful for this day and this particular moment :D

Your opinion is correct, if we can make it happen in life, then we will get a good life and useful for others.but very difficult to implement in this life.
Thanks @javybar

I am grateful for many things. One of them is being able to see things the way I see them now. I am grateful for certain achievements that I have achieved over the years. I am grateful for the friends that surround me, and they are by my side. I am grateful for my good health and for the wonderful family that I have, among many other things. I am also grateful to Steemit for pushing me to develop several things in my life.

Gratitude is very big and in any form you can show it. Good post.

I'm greatfull for having a second chance to complete my study even in the age when my family need my financial support, but they're still managing my fees.
I joined steemit honestly to support my family but I know it will take some time to things come up according my way.

For the family I have and most importantly for the religion that I am from.

I am grateful for stability, when you have it you don't notice much but when you don't have it, you yearn for it dearly

all words are awesome @javybar

I am also grateful for the life I got. for waking up everyday as a healthy young lady, for my loving family and friends, for the surrounding, for the positive people who inspire me every single day...Life is all about gratitude in the very beginning. Thank you for asking this question.

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