RE: So much gratitude!

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So much gratitude!

in gratitudechallenge •  6 years ago 

You remember the last day! While Jim was alive it was just easier to let him do the driving. I could tell that my reaction times were slow and I didn't have the necessary leg power anymore. My drivrers license comes up for renewal in two weeks and I am going to have my daughter take me in to renew it so that I have it as an ID....and in case I become able to buy a self driving car!

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I only remember because I blogged about it...LOL! However, I realized just now that I was a little bit off - it was actually September 17th, which had been the first time I'd driven since health issues in June 2017, which is why my first time behind the wheel was a big thing (before realizing it would also be my last). The following week I had more health issues, culminating in a trip to the ER on October 15th which was the beginning of the long road to my Essential Tremor diagnosis (among other things).

And even though I've been the same way with my Jim for many years (it was always easier to let him drive than to listen to him tell me how to drive...😜), I really enjoyed driving, so it was a big deal for me when I realized I might not ever be able to again. I was able to renew my license online last year, and when the time comes that I have to go to the DMV, it'll do the same - they better hurry up with those self driving cars already!

After riding in my son's new car and seeing how smart it is, it made me realize that it has a lot of features that would make driving much simpler for me. My problem is that even if I drive somewhere I'm going to be sitting there in the car! I would still need somebody along with me to help me with my mobility scooter, so I might as well just let that person do the driving to!

Yeah, good point. Hopefully that's the next step in self driving cars - getting them set up so that maybe your mobility scooter could be integrated with the car, and you could just ride it out after you park. I'm sure there'd be a a huge call for something like that...

That would be a dream come true! Right now I am feeling pretty stuck.

I can imagine, @melinda010100. Even with two drivers in the family (and two more who will hopefully be driving soon), I feel pretty stuck most days as well, especially since one works more than full time, and the other has been dealing with health issues of her own. You'd think after all this time, I'd be used to having to have other people drive me around, but it's frustrating, as I'm sure you know. But your amazing and positive attitude always reminds me to stop focusing on the negative, and remember the positive side of things, so thank you. 💜

I have friends who say, Call any time you need a ride. But they work until 5 and that doesn't help me out with an 11am doctor's appointment! What I miss most is Jim saying Let's go to New Orleans. Or How soon could you be ready to leave for Wyoming? We had the best adventures together and it's still hard for me to come to terms with that being over.

Oh, wow @melinda010100 - I can see why you'd have a hard time with that. It sounds like he was an amazing person, and that you had a wonderful time together. I've had friends say the same, or offer to come get me to go on some adventure, but it never seems to work out. It all makes me so much more appreciative of being able to connect with people such as yourself, here in cyber crypto land! 🤗

I love that things have evolved so that much of my social life is online these days! I love my Steem friends!