in gratitudeday •  6 years ago 

Recently I have been seeing a lot of posts on gratitude going viral on the block chain. This piqued my interest and I sought to know what it was all about. Not that I have a problem with gratitude, no but I wanted to understand why everyone is suddenly being grateful on the block chain. This quest of mine brought me to @tojukaka's blog and it is amazing to find out that they are already on day 15 of this beautiful challenge.

How do I start? Is there anyone who do not have anything they are grateful for? Such a person will definitely be somewhere between 6feets below or beyond the skies. As far as we are living, random act of kindness are being shown to us and this little things count. Recently, a medical personnel was discussing with me and telling me how much it cost to give someone oxygen in the hospital where he works. According to him, for just one hour, a patient will have to pay about 5.5SBD to be able to breathe.

This information got me stupified and for some few seconds I was doing calculations on my head. If one hour costs as much as 5.5SBD then 24hours would cost 128SBD. Don't open your eyes. Yeah that is what it cost just to breathe. The air freely given to us by God. I hope you know how long it would take you to make 128SBD? Yet some people stay in the hospitals connected to this machine for months. Some even live on it, once disconnected and and the EKG reads straight lines.

This is air, freely given to us by God. We breathe in and breathe out so freely not knowing how much it is worth. If God was to charge us for air, how many can pay? Surely i would probably have lived just few hours on Earth.

I am grateful for air. I understand its worth and I am grateful. I started out having a list of things I am grateful for and ready to list them one by one but then, a heart of gratitude once started cannot be stopped.

I am grateful for water. The importance of water cannot be overemphasized. Drought has long been recognized as one of the most insidious causes of human misery. Drought has claimed lives. Little drops of rain fall mean a lot. Rain helps our crops grow thereby providing food. Water keeps our animals hydrated and healthy providing meat. Don't be surprised I am talking about food. How long can we survive when there is famine and drought? I am grateful for water. It may not seem much much; visit a desert and spend days before being rescued then you understand while I'm grateful for water.

I am grateful for shelter. Many are homeless today and many are displaced from their homes. I am grateful I have a place I can call home. A place where i quietly retire at night and lay my head on my pillow and have a peaceful night rest. I am grateful I have a place where I can accomodate others in dire need of it. Yes, shelter is one of the basic necessities of man and I am grateful I have it. It doesn't matter if I have food to eat or not. Everyday I go about with a smile on my face, dressed in beautiful clothes and no one knows the pains behind those eyes but I'm grateful I have a place where I can relieve myself of my burdens believing it shall be better.

I guess I will have to stop here. It is a 62 days journey after all. I still have so many things I am grateful for and even so many wonderful people I am grateful for but all these will be unveiled in my next episode of a grateful heart.

What are you grateful for?

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you knowing that every step forward is a step towards achieving something bigger and better than your current situation

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You are right. Gratitude is key

Always dear. Thanks for coming around @funmiakinpelu

The above listed seem most times so common until we see the desperation of people who pay so much to have those things.

Only a fool will not be grateful to God.

We never appreciate what we have until we have it taken from us. Only a fool truly will not be grateful.

Grateful for the life God has given me.

Nice one @daniel-otaniel

It's crazy that you have to spend so much money on father in law can't live without an oxygen machine...and they cost a lot of money!! It's also crazy too see how limited he gets because of the lack of oxygen... we should be grateful for every second of our life!