Today in gratitude day 25/62 I want to thank for the ease and my taste for drawing, since I was a child I liked everything related to drawing.
l was given colors and markers by my parents as it was from restless hands, in the Home.
At school this helped me to socialize because as I was a very shy person, when I did my drawings I had children around asking me to draw or asking me to do a drawing to color it, I even had a small cousin asking me to I draw some girls to color and then I found out that I sold my drawings to her friends.
What I like to draw most are girls, my style is caricature, in high school when the class was bored I drew teachers. I am grateful to God for giving me the privilege of drawing, there are people who sing well or dance but I am really bad While the drawing is quite good I'm not wanting to say that I'm perfect, I still have a lot to learn and improve.
I am also grateful to be able to publish my drawings in this great social network and that my drawings can be valued, I hope to continue creating and publishing more drawings.
Thank you @tojukaka For this challenge Link: