Today is the twenty-seventh day of gratitude day challenge organized by @tojukaka. I'm very excited about the challenge as the days go on.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for what you receive and the returned of kindness.
A big thanks to @tojukaka for this gratitude day challenge
I have shared about my farm animals in several posts, which includes chicken and rabbit. There are types of chicken we rear in intensive system of poultry farming
There are broilers and cockerel which are usually rear for consumption only and layers which are reared for egg production purposes.
Today I'm very grateful about the successful vaccination of my layers (also called pullet) birds.
Vaccination always come with a lot of stress for the birds (I mean chicken). And stress if too much can open door for diseases to enter.
One of the diseases usually associated with stress is "gumboro diseases" especially when birds are still in dip litters.
A part from fear of diseases, what also attached to it is death through overcrowding. As you are trying to catch them so the doctor can inject them, some of them would be strangled at one corner of the brooder house. This can cause high mortality rate if care is not taking.
It's successful one today, and I'm very grateful for it. Thanks to God.
The instrument used for vaccination is shown below
Injector and a container which contains "komorov vaccine "
Thanks for your time and love