Today is day thirty-two of gratitude day challenge, organized by @tojukaka. I'm very exited about the challenge so far.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for what you receive and the returned of kindness.
A big thanks to @tojukaka for this gratitude day challenge
Today's gratitude : Health
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not the absence of disease only.
Today I was not feeling well since I have waked up. I don't know what really cause the breakdown.
Though I managed to get up and get to the farm as normal routine but I'm not feet as I used to.
After closing at the farm, I decided to go to the church for youth rally.There I mingle with so many friends.
What amazed me most is that, by the time we would have finished the rally, I was fully recovered.
I'm very grateful to God for giving me a good health.
This are some of the pictures I manage to take in the rally
You can also participate in the ongoing challenge of gratitude day, what you need to do is to write a post about anything you are grateful for.use gratitudeday as one of your tag and upvote @tojukaka's gratitude day post.
You can visit @tojukaka blog for more details about the challenge. Thanks
Thanks for your time and love