Hello beautiful people. Its another exciting day and I sure can't stop appreciating God for His goodness and mercies endures forever.
As we all know
Gratitudeday challenge is a daily challenge that encourages people to be grateful for little things and big things.
Today, I am grateful for Sundays. Sundays always have a way of making one feel like a sinner and then you have the opportunity to ask God for cleansing and feel clean again. I'm grateful for the Spirit of God that reminds one always that there is a God who is watching everything we do. I am grateful for the gift of sonship. If there was no God in me, I would have been so hopeless, lost and useless, but Christ in me, the hope of glory. I am grateful for Jesus in me.
And so my #trackoftheday would be
Never Would Have Made It by Marvin Sapp
Never would have made it
Never could have made it, without you
I would have lost it all
But now I see how you were there for me
And I can say
Never would have made it
Never could have made it without you
I would have lost it all
But now I see how you were there for me and I can say
I'm stronger, I'm wiser
I'm better, much better
When I look back over all you brought me through
I can see that you were the one I held on to
And I never, never would have made it
Oh I never could have made it, never could have made it without you
Oh I would have lost it all
Oh but now I see how you were there for me
I never, never would have made it
No, I never, never could have made it without you
I would have lost my mind a long time ago
If it had not been for you
I am stronger, I am stronger
I am wiser, now I'm better
So much better
I made it through my storm
And my test because you were there
To carry me through my mess
I am stronger, I am stronger
I am wiser, I am wiser
I am better, I am better
Anybody better, I am better
I can stand here and tell you
I made it
Anybody out there that you made it
I am stronger, I am stronger
I am wiser, I am wiser
I am better, I am better
Much better, I am better
I made it, I made it
I made it, I made it
I made it, I made it
I made it, I made it
Never would have made it, never would have made it
Never could have made it, never could have made it without you
I would have lost my mind
I would have gave up
But you were right there
You were right there
I never, never would have made it
Oh I never, never could have made it without you
Somebody just need to testify to someone next to 'em
Tell 'em I am stronger
I am wiser
I am better, much better
When I look back over what he brought me through
I realize I made it because I had you to hold on to
Now I am stronger
Now I am wiser
I am better, so much better
I made it
Is there anybody in this house other than me that can
Declare that you made it
Tell your neighbor
Never would have made it, never would have made it
Tell 'em never could have made it, never could have made it without you
I wish I had some help here
I wish I had just two or three people
That would just declare it
Never would have made it, never would have made it
Never could have made it, never could have made it without you
I just, I just love to encourage myself
Sometimes I just look in the mirror and say
I am stronger
I am wiser
I am better, so much better
When I look back over what he brought me through
I realize I made it because I had you to hold on to
But I never would have made it
I never could have made it without you
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh I, good God almighty
Never would have made it, never would have made it
Never could have made it, never could have made it without you
Sing it one more time
All I need is it one more time
Everybody sing with me
Never would have made it
Never could have made it without you
Lyrics Source
Glory to God!
#Gratitudeday is on for 62 days. Please get in the act if you haven't started. You'll sure find out numerous reasons to be grateful to God.
Don't forget to Vote for witness @teamsteem
Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby