
in gratitudeday56 •  7 years ago  (edited)

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For God so love the world, he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever that believe him, should not perish!instead he has everlasting life. John 3:16vs1

I’m so greatful for God’s Love over me

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Thanking and appreciating God for I’m not rejected Even despite the sins and going against his command, He still show me love.

He made me to encountered him. He provide for my needs. He blessed me with people....

God love over me is much. He love me like a son. His love is too much to the extent I felt it truly He do.

He made men to love me also, I never been rejected, I always be among.

Thank you Heavenly Father for loving me too much....

What are you grateful for?

Join @tojukaka and the most happiest people to express what you are greatful for in the days of gratitude.

Until another time, I’m @peakreal1 and I’m grateful for God’s love

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